
I have a problem... :-(?

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I am entering my sophomore year at a private university. The school is very expensive but I chose this school because they gave me the most money my mom cannot pay for both my sister and I to attend college at the same time so I am paying on my own. The problem is last year some of my grant money was taken away unexpectedly and the financial aid office said they couldn't do anything about it because it was beyond their control and they gave me all the money they can give. Being that it is a private school I end up not qualifying for certain loans. Next semester I will have the same problem and end up having to pay about 3,000 out of my own pocket! I cant afford this and I think its unfair for me to have to drop out of college because of this. How can I get scholarship or grant money when I apply on all these sites and get NO results! It's frustrating that I seem to be getting punished for trying to be a successful woman!




  1.  Good day,

    We offer a variety of loans to individuals (personal loan) and cooperate bodies at an interest rate of 3% per annul.This is to help you meet your financial obligations, especially with the ongoing global financial crisis. You can borrow from 5000 to 10,000,000 (pounds, euros or dollars) For further inquiries, please contact us via e-mail ( Regards. hope to hear from you soonest

    God Bless You.

    Mr Martins Cole


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    Chairman/Ceo (AL-FUTTAIM GROUP)

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