
I have a problem with a friend?

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My friend has a daughter that will be attending Volunteer Pre-K next year and right now she is in a church school 2 days a week. She wants to pull her daughter out next year (the daughter loves it there and has made alot of friends) because they are not religious and she is afraid her daughter will start believing in God. Neither mom or dad believe in God. What should I tell her? Or should I keep my mouth shut?




  1. U should tell them! Every single person has the right to believe in God!!

  2. I think you should speak up on behalf of the child, especially since this person is your friend.  Let her know that she should let her daughter make the decision as to whether she wants to believe in God or not, and also which school she would rather attend.  Throw this point to your friend; She doesn't want Christian views pushed on her child but is it fair for her to push her own beliefs on her child?  Tell her to let her daughter make her own decision.  Either decision her daughter makes, it is not physically harmful to her.  And she can't go wrong since she is already doing so well in this school.  Good Luck!!

  3. it's really none of your business what they do it's their child and they can and will do as they see fit i wouldn't put my kids in a religious setting either ,so i can understand there point....

  4. do not shut your mouth do something about it thats anoying

  5. that's a hard one I really don't know what to tell you I myself am Christan and people want to influence their own beliefs on children what makes it hard for the kids who are comfortable, will this offend your friend if you tell her what you think will it damage the child if you don't these are all things you must take into consideration, good luck and may God bless

  6. If the new preschool is 5 days a week maybe it will be better.  At least she is still sending her kid to a preschool.  As far as her reasons - I think its personal.  Some people believe in the seperation of state and church.  I would just remind your friend of how much her daughter liked the school and all the friends she has made.  God shouldnt have anything to do with it really - the kid is in preschool.

  7. Why are so-called "Christians" so intolerant? Why do they feel a need to proselytize? This is clearly NOT your business. And guess what? That little girl will grow up and find her own way. She will decide whether or not she believes in God.

    I know it is hard for so many of you to accept, but there are plenty of people -- good, caring, kind, decent people -- who do NOT believe as you do. Put your eyebrows back down, and go read what your Jesus said: "Love one another." He was talking about tolerance.

    [Every thumbs-down you give me just proves my point.]

  8. Keep your mouth shut.  Maybe she will realize it was a mistake to pull her kid out, or maybe it will be for the better, but that's not up to you to decide.

  9. tell em wat u think

  10. Keep your mouth shut! This is none of your business. If she was a Buddhist or a Muslim or Jewish- would you also decide her parents are wrong? Her parents have the right to raise their child to believe what they believe. I hate hearing when people are so naive to think that their religion is the only religion!

  11. If she has made alot of friends at her current school she will make alot of friends at her new school.  It's not your place to raise someone elses child.  I wouldn't say anything if i were you.

  12. How sad is that????  Since you are a Christian I think in a nice way I would let them know that you believe their daughter is doing excellent where she is and that you feel it is and has been a great experience for her.  Good luck!

  13. I wouldn't tell another mother (assuming she is not abusive) what to do with her children unless she asked my opinion.

  14. Every child knows there is a God and believes in Him, it's the parents that s***w them up. You can't change their misguidance, only God can  but you should speak up on behalf of the child. They probably wont listen but at least you did what was right.

  15. Unless she asks your opinion, don't say anything.

  16. should you tell her what?  that her daughter is enjoying the church school and making a lot of friends (your observation)?  that your children and you have a positive experience with the church school?  that Jesus Christ loves her and her child?

  17. Hi Sharon.

    Express your concern to the parents.  But ultimately, the decision lies with them.  It's great you want your friend's child to stay there because you feel that is the best environment for her, but parents must decide what is best for their children.

    Religious wise, perhaps you and the church school planted the seed.  Pray about it and let God take control of the situation.

    Take care and God Bless!

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