
I have a problem with alot of girls bullying me in middle school what should i do???

by  |  earlier

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anything that u think might help say it i need as mush as possible




  1. I would ignore it first and tell an adult if it goes too far. I was the principals pet so I got whatever I wanted, the teachers even backed off.. I would try to have lots of friends so that way they can back you up. Build lots of relationship and be quite girl so that way no one can have a reason to bully you. Don't get me wrong though, be yourself just stay out of drama, and keep things to yourself and don't say things at the wrong time.

  2. The only thing I'd say to do is learn to fight, which could cause problems, or tell a teacher or something. Trust me, once you get out of school, you wont have to deal with that anymore. Hang in there.

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