
I have a problem with money and health so please help!?!?

by  |  earlier

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If you are answering this u may think the title is weird :P!

but anyway twhat i mean is before i went to bed i touch like loads of silver and copper coing eg 1p 2p 20 p 50 p and they are probably covered in bacteria but i touched it then i licked my fingers later without realsisinig i realised this mornign that the coin would be reall dirty like it would of been dropped on the floor or a homeless could of ahd it at one time!!!


then i moved the coins back and then rubbed my eyes and i am really panicky and am worried am going 2 die will i?

Plz help





  1. Unlikely that you will suffer from any life threatening disease from what you are doing. You could in fact be doing yourself some small amount of good. By exposing yourself to all kinds of germs and bacteria you could be building up your immune system against future nasty problems. I suggest anyway that you always wash as the last thing you do before going to bed, especially the hands and face.Always wash your hands when arriving home to wash off the germs etc picked up on your hands during your time away from home. Also rubbing eyes and l*****g fingers is not a very hygienic way of behaving as you could be passing on your germs to others from door handles etc. Finally try to not look at "homeless" people as dirty. They are just homeless and from what you say they are probably no worse than you as far as hygiene is concerned..

  2. get your affairs in order pretty soon.

  3. you could die. the only solution is to move into a germ free oxygen tank for the next 20 years. maybe after then should you give the real world a try.

  4. Levels of bacteria found on money too low for concern

    Suspicions have long been held by consumers that staff handling money and then food can lead to contamination of the food that is served in food outlets.

    Dr Frank Vriesekoop (Institute of Food and Crop Science, University of Ballarat) presented findings of research in this area at the 2006 AIFST Annual Convention, which was then reported in the Herald Sun Newspaper. The research involved screening approximately 400 coins and 350 notes for the presence of bacteria. The money was sourced from small food outlets, such as cafés and bakeries, where staff were likely to handle both food and money.

    Not surprisingly, the most common bacteria found was Staphylococcus aureus, a microorganism commonly present on the skin and in the nasal passage of about one third of the population. Escherichia coli was also found on a high proportion of coins, but Salmonella spp. were found on only two coins. A small proportion of the bacteria isolated were found to show varied resistance to the three most commonly prescribed antibiotics.

    Although 95 percent of the money tested carried bacteria, the levels found were so low that they were unlikely to cause illness. Dr Vriesekoop said that the bacteria were no different from what could be found on doorknobs or other items commonly handled by the public. He stated, "As long as sensible precautions are made when preparing food and handling money, there is no cause for concern".

  5. You are not going to die but you need to stop doing this stuff.

  6. You're not going to die. Germs are everywhere, not just on a coin.

    Don't worry...just wash your face and hands thoroughly.

    If you continue to worry, see a doctor.

  7. we all are going to die, so be prepared(become a Christian).

    We never know of what or when.

    No, this isn't it. I just heard of a lovely woman who kissed a man

    in a bar and he bit her. He had a cold sore on his lip and then

    she got sick.  A few days later, the Dr's. were baffled and thought it was an infection but after treatment she got steadily worse and sores appeared on her body and then she died. An autopsy was preformed and it was found it was from the bite and she had caught the herpes virus. No not hiv/aids but the kind that gives cold sores. There have been only 21 cases of one dying from this who doesn't have aids or some kind of immune condition.

  8. OCD= Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  See your doctor for help in dealing with it before it gets too bad.

  9. You are correct in that coins are dirty and whilst I wouldn't recommend l*****g your fingers or rubbing your eyes after handling money you won't suffer any ill effects. You definitely won't die from this but in future should remember it's better to wash your hands after handling any quantity of coins or notes. The same could be said of many things we touch - door handles used by the public for example. Healthy people are well equipped to deal with many bacteria so focusing on and worrying about it is unnecessary and unhealthy.

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