
I have a problem with my p***s...

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm only 13, but i think theres something wrong with my p***s. Im 5ft 7in, and Overweight just incase that is anything to do with it. Heres the problem....

Well, for some reson, u can see the veins in it, and there is a wierd red line goin down the left side. Its also kinda small and i cant pull the f******n back.

Its been like this for like 8 years. So if any of u know what it could be or what i could do, plz tell me.




  1. about the f******n, you can get a cream from the doctor that helps loosen it. Everything else seems fine.

  2. George,

    Seeing veins in your p***s and s*****m is normal, we can all see them (not your's, but our own).  You're too young to really be concerned about your p***s length - mine didn't start growing until I was 15, so wait a few more years before you worry about that.

    Alright, your retraction issue. The easiest thing is to talk to your dad.  He'll better be able to recognize if there's a problem than we could.  However, what you're experiencing is very common with guys your age.  There NO NEED to consider circumcision at this point, and this is coming from a guy that was circ'ed at birth.  It's ridiculous to suggest that you should at this point.  

    What you can do is while in a warm shower or bath, work some baby oil into your f******n to make it supple.  Gently begin stretching your f******n, but not enough to cause pain.  Keep your f******n soft and moist using the baby oil daily.  It may take a few weeks of stretching like this, but this should solve your problems.

  3. Your p***s sounds basically normal.  When you enter puberty and your genitals begin to grow, you often can see the shape of veins close to the surface, because your skin is losing its baby fat and getting thinner, and because your veins are getting larger to supply blood to a larger organ.

    The red line you describe sounds like the normal seam that forms in the genitals when the two halves grow together before birth.  The seam is most noticeable starting from the a**s and going forward between the balls on the s*****m.  The seam is more prominent before puberty.  Some remnants may appear on the underside of the p***s as well.  Perhaps it has slipped over to the left as you've grown.  Or it might be just a varicose capillary.  If this doesn't seem like a good explanation, see your doctor.

    It's normal not to be able to retract your f******n before puberty.  At birth, the f******n and the glans are stuck together.  (The glans is the head of your p***s, under the f******n.)  Before or during puberty the glans and the f******n separate, so that the f******n can fold back and uncover the glans, especially during an erection.  Some boys have a tight opening in the f******n, so that it won't spread wide enough to fold back over the glans, or will feel painful if it does.  This can be solved by stretching the opening a little bit wider each day with your fingers.  You may find it easier to do this in the bath or shower.  At age 13, your f******n might still be attached to your glans.  If it seems it doesn't want to slide back because it's attached, not because the opening is to tight, don't force it.  These parts should grow apart during your puberty.   If you don't see any progress, check with your doctor to see if you have a pathological adhesion between the glans and f******n (a rare condition).  If you do, it can be corrected surgically, but circumcision should not be necessary.  There's no reason to throw away a perfectly good f******n just because it's stuck.

    Once you're able to retract your f******n, you must remember to clean under your f******n once a day.  The f******n secretes a normal substance called smegma that keeps your glans moist and healthy, but when smegma is exposed to the air it needs to be washed away to keep it from spoiling.  Also normal dust containing bacteria can settle on your glans when it's uncovered, and if you don't keep the area clean, the bacteria can cause an irritating infection.  Just wash your glans once a day with warm clean water.  You don't have to use soap if your glans is too sensitive, just be thorough with the rinsing.  And if you do use soap, choose a gentle kind for this area at least, and wash it all away before you let your f******n fold forward into place.

  4. all veins are NOT gonna show on the penile shaft.  chill out.

  5. As you get further in to puberty you should be able to retract the f******n, you can speed up the process by doing stretching exercises, just gently pull it back, dont force it or cause pain.  After awhile you should be able to retract it... but again, it will happen naturally later.  As for the red line, it sounds like you are talking about the raphe, which is also normal.  What the raphe actually looks like varies per person.

    And no, circumcision isn't the answer, definitely not in this case.  If after puberty (lets just say when you are around 18) you are still unable to retract the skin and stretching exercises dont help, then it could be time to see a doctor, but even then, there are more options other then circ.

  6. It doesn't sound like there is much of a problem.  But if you really think there is, ask your doctor about it at your next physical

  7. Bite the bullet and see your doctor. The veins are normal it means you have a healthy blood flow/heart. Don't worry though the forskin can be sorted out with a rusty razor blade.

  8. if you feel that worried about it then talk to ur father or go get help from a doctor

  9. don't listen to the above about circumcision, circumcised people like to offer it as a solution to anything because they see no value in it

    the f******n may just not have retracted yet, just wait longer,

    if the still won't retract in a few yours you just need to do some stretching, basically stretch the opening, if you do regularly for a while you will grow new skin and have the flexibility you need to retract the f******n (see the links below) you can also get topical steroid cream from the doctor to help speed it up

    also do a web search for "phimosis stretching"

    some people who solved their problem

  10. There is nothing wrong with seeing the veins on your p***s, for this means you don't have too much extra skin on the p***s where the viens would be hidden. As for your inability to retract your f******n, you may need to be circumcised. If you're always able to see the head of your p***s, then that means you're circumcised. Just talk to your parents and have them take you to the doctors. Hope this helps.

  11. Doctors are trained, experienced and paid to help people like you out with situations like these. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Go see him.

  12. All the veins are normal, and because your 13 you've still got alot more growing to do so it will get bigger. Also the f******n thing there is like a little peice of skin or something which holds it so you can't pull it back but during puberty it'll snap according to my understandings of questions iv'e asked before. But if you're really worried about it you can talk to your local doctor or your parents/gaurdians.

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