
I have a problem with my dad?

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Well I turned 14 in April...

Its now August.

My dad doesnt have/make a lot of money, but he has enough to live on. I'd really like something, and that something is clothes. Maybe a new sweater for the fall or pair of pants for school idk.

Am I selfish to think this? How should I approach him about this?




  1. You are not selfish.  It is normal to want those things.  It is also normal that kids get new clothes for school.  Just ask your dad.  He'll be honest and let you know if it's possible.

  2. ur not selfish. ur normal! u could mention to him that u feel like u need a few new things for school. most stores are constantly having sales and have clearance racks, which will help with costs. such as kohls, jcpenny, target, and all that. u can even find a re-sale/consignment shop for good deals and they usually have nice clothing.  

  3. Get a job working at a Nail Salon and buy two cats. Breed the cats and you'll have 3-4 kittens. Sacrifice these kittens by throwing them in a fire surrounded by 4 candles. Purple candle(north), Yellow candle(west), Red candle(south), and White candle(east). If done correctly you should receive a cheeseburger. DO NOT (I REPEAT) DO NOT throw away or modify this cheeseburger. People who have done this in the past have died from removing things they don't like such as pickles from the cheeseburger. Eat this cheeseburger and you'll become pregnant, after nine months you should give birth to a calf. Wait until the calf matures and milk it and sell the milk for 3.99+tax. In about a year you should have enough money to buy whatever you want.

    Good luck!

  4. make him think/understand you deserve new clothes. Just don't get too much new clothes. Or ask him for money  

  5. thats not selfish.

    but maybe you could say: dad, i'd like a new outfit or a new pair of jeans for the school year and i'd be happy to do some extra work around the house to pay them off.  

    or something like that.

    besides jeans will only be like 20-40 dollars (depending on where you buy them)

  6. You're not selfish to want some new clothes for school.  

    Tell your dad what you want.  You might even go together to buy it.  

  7. u r definalty not selfish! see if you can get a job so you can buy things you want and so you can help out a little good luck!

  8. your not selfish! just ask him and tell him that you think that you really diserve to get a few new clothes for your birthday and school comming up.

  9. you are not selfish at all. i think its best to just be straight forward with him. tell him that you understand if now's not the best time, but if at all possible you would really appreciate having some new clothes for school.

    some other ways would be getting a job...well, i'm not sure if you can at 14. there are also some really great deals you can get from like ebay, when i am really low on cash i do that sometimes.  

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