
I have a problem with my ds?

by  |  earlier

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when i turn on my ds, the bottom screen is all screwed up, and every time i turn on my ds, it changes. I think it's because i droped it. the only thing i can see the bottom left corner.anyone Know where i can fix it?




  1. ok.... well my cousin was mad so she through hers at the wall.... it broke and she got it fixed... I'm not exactly sure where.... but I kno it was a place like radio shack, circut city, best buy ect..... I kno that it is one of thoses..... it costs like $60 but its worth it cuz they basically give u a new DS..... U may want to call the stores and ask before goin just so u don't waste time =]

    I hope I helped =]

  2. You can fixed at a game store for a fee. You can also approach the appointed DS third party company covering the warranty to replace the screen for u.

  3. call nintendo idk if it has a 1 year warrenty but if it does then nintendo has to help you if its been under a year since you got it just dont tell them you dropped it.

  4. ur lighting is messed up thats all go to

  5. If its under warranty....send it in....

    Otherwise cannibalize the parts from another broken ds on ebay..

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