
I have a problem with my eyes constantly producing eye boogers, what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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I am allergic to a lot of things (basically everything except for meat, animals, vegetables, and dairy products). I'm allergic to dust and pollen as well, so I'm guessing it could be due to allergies, but it has been going on my entire life and it just get somewhat frustrating because I have to constantly rub it off on my shirt or sleeve because if I don't do anything it just overproduces.

I just hope there's some way to lessen it.




  1. dust

  2. It could be a number of things. Allergy to cats, dogs, horses, dust... Initially try cleaning them with saline. If no luck, go to the pharmacy and see what you can find.

  3. Eye infections and other irritations make gunk in your eyes. If you rub your nose and then your eyes then you are spreading bacteria from your nose into your eyes and giving them an infection. My doctor made fun of me once for doing that because only babies have an excuse for doing it: they are too stupid to know better because they are not much more than animals in their actions.

  4. Your probley Allergy to something do you have animals?

    also you might have something in your eye

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