
I have a problem with my friends?

by  |  earlier

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Well, This is how it started, My friend and I were fighting about a girl. At the end of the fight I told him that, "She'll always look at you as a Best Friend, Nothing else." That was the only thing I told him. He said alot of more nasty things to me. So I guess he was hurt from that. Then the next day he practically turned the world against me. Now I look like a bad guy. I don't know what to do now.. I haven't spoke to any of my friends or that girl or him. I don't know what i should do next.




  1. Give it some time and don't say anything. Your true friends will see you for who you are and the others probably weren't really your friends to begin with. You voiced your opinion and he has become defensive by acting out in a way to try and hurt you the most. Let it go and see what happens. Sometimes time heals misunderstandings.

  2. Whoa that sounds tough. Your best bet is call up your friend and work it out with him. Apologize and tell him it's just you really like the girl so much and didn't mean what you said. Even though he might have said worse to you, you need to be the bigger person and say your sorry. He'll come around and realize he was being stupid as well. That girl is not worse loosing a friend over. Fix that friendship first. Whatever you do don't get back at your friend and spread rumors and turn people against him.  

  3. the one to have s*x with her wins - the fight to earn the title "My b#tch!"

  4. Um u guys are weird i think ur friend is not jealous of you. He is jealous of your girl. He is either g*y or too attached to you.

  5. The correct term would be "I haven't spoken to...".

    But it seems like you have a pretty tough situation here.

    I would say you try to talk to your friends and this guy about it. If none of them listen, then you don't need them. You need someone who really cares and believes you.

    Good luck :)

  6. talk to yurr frend, and tell him you didnt mean to hurt him, you just felt that you had to defend yourself in the fight between you two.  It'll work out, and if it doesnt **** them, theres so many other people to befriend.

  7. First of all you and your friend should never let a girl come between you.  My uncle and his friends always say bro's before h***.  If your friend really liked her why didn't you just back off and let her hurt his feelings.  At the end of it all you and him would have still been friends and she would have been out of the picture,.

    Being that it is all messed up now, just move on.  If he took it that far then  he wasn't your friend to start with aneitherher were those other people.

  8. dude there is supposed to be an unspoken pact between friend who was chasing her first the other should back off

  9. Just be alone for a while. Maybe a week and a half, then apologize. You guys should not be letting a girl get between your friendship

  10. when u fought with ur friend, u shouldn't have! jut for a girl? thats a defenetly a stupid and a silly thing to do, cuz he was ur best friend! now u guys are enemies! does that make u talk to that girl or go out with her? NO! now u should go to that boy that u fought with and apologize to him from bottom of ur heart! and if he says ****, then i dare u to beat the h**l out of him! cuz he won't understand u! and go to that girl and ask her out in front of everybody!!!!!!! Thats what i think =]

  11. i had fight with a friend before i would try sending ur mom or dad to write wat u say mail it to him and say friends??he wont know but dont put ur mom,dad or ur name in it. than if he mail u back saying yes go to school and say thank for being my friend again.oh put a diffrent address but a address you can barrow like ur grandparent or a friend he does not know where he/she lives. haha wait til u see the look on his face other than this i would say try to make up with him there are plenty of other girl on earth for botth of yall hey wat if she dont like any of yall then how will she go out with u well hope i help hey first thing was kinda a joke but you could do it if u wanna

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