
I have a problem with my job can anyone give me any advice?

by  |  earlier

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So here's the story....

I just landed a fulltime job with Bloomingdale's and I've been there now for about a month. Everything has been going pretty good so far, but there is one problem I have been encountering. My manager has been doing nothing but harassing me!

I have worked in retail for the past 2 years and I have never been so disrespected in my 2 years of working. When I first started they gave me a list of requirements for they way they run their customer service. I think I have been doing a great job at servicing the customer in various areas such as fitting room service, common courtesy, check-out conversation and such.

I feel singled out by my manager because he always comes over to me and says things that I'm doing wrong when I‘m clearly following the paper and he NEVER says exactly what I did wrong or how to improve it. Since his harsh criticism I have sucked it up and paid a lot more attention to what I'm doing as far as keeping my area clean & tidy when there are no customers in my area, and making sure all customers are happy and satisfied when in my area. He keeps telling me to be aggressive with the customer, but I just don't believe in that. I've tried his way before and it landed me getting cursed out by a customer. I have my own style of selling and it involves being honest and respectful to the customers needs/wants and he does not have the same views as I do so he gets angry at that. Like the other day he literally yells at me because I didn't sell at $175 Hugo Boss shirt to teenager who was shopping with his mother. I explained to him that the mother specifically told me that she was looking for items that were on sale, but he continued yelling and told me that I did a terrible job. I am the type of person who pays attention to my customer and doesn't sell them something they don't really want. I read my customers to see how far they are willing to negotiate on price, but from my talking to her she was pretty set on a price point. There are some occasions where I would be half way through a transaction and he’ll push me to the side and say I did something wrong, void the entire transaction, and do the SAME EXACT thing I just did, its funny too because he can hardly work the register himself and always ask other associates to help him. He has on the regular fits and uses a tone with me that you would expect and angry person to use on their dog. He is very unprofessional and one thing that seriously makes me want to gauge my eyes out is his own self approval to scream my name from across a room to help a customer WHEN I’M ALREADY HELPING THEM! He will yell my name 3-4 times EXTREMELY LOUD and it just makes me so pissed off I want to rip my ears off. He changes my schedule at last minute notices without telling me and expects me to comply with changes and gets an angry 2 year old girl attitude when I say I cannot work those last minute hours. He talks to me like I am his child and does offensive hand gestures. The other week when I was minding my business picking out other clothes for a customer who was in the fitting room he sees a couple of people he knows that shops here on a regular basis. He talks with one of the women for about 2 minutes. They are standing by the fragrance counter and she says to him “Hey, *anonymous* I want to get this Juicy Couture fragrance set for my son.” Next thing I know he yells for me across the room again and says “Help her behind this counter” while snapping his fingers at me like I’m a dog. I really do not understand what all that was about. He was standing there so he could have helped her. Him being a manager doesn’t exempt him from helping and if he really needed me to ring her up I’d really think it’d be a better way if he would ask me politely not snap his fingers and act like I’m at his beck & call. He often treats me like I am stupid and like I don’t know anything despite my past couple of jobs I’ve had which all previous managers gave me outstanding reviews from. I really don’t understand why he has it out for me. Out of the other 2 new associates that were hired around the same time that I was he treats me the worst and I have no idea why. I’ve talked to other previous associates and they told me to just ignore him and that’s what I’ve been trying to do but its not working. They all have told me that he acted that way when he first got there, but has stopped acting like that towards certain associates. One thing that I have noticed at this store is that there are various associates who have terrible attitudes with any and everybody. Also certain people pick favorites and you can really tell sometimes. I’m tired of having to deal with other associates bad attitudes and favoritism. So tell me what do you think I should do? And also what is his problem?




  1. I had a boss like that. You may feel singled out, but you most likely are not. You best bet is to ignore it, and if that doesn't work, find a new job. No sense in being unhappy.

  2. Personally I would quietly start looking for another job. This one doesn't seem to be a good fit.

    You seem like you're a good worker so you shouldn't have a problem finding another one.

    Another option is to take this issue to somebody above the managers head, but it could backfire.

  3. I no that must be frustrating but I'd look at it like the Lord is preparing me for a far better job, so I would wanna be frustrated but smile at him and ask is there nything else Sir. and also pray b4 u go 2 walk and ask the "Lord to bind all evildoers and spirits that you are about to cross paths with" and go on with your day in ur best spirit, dont let the enemy win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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