
I have a problem with my neighbour. Nice guy, nice family - most of the time. and then he gets hungover.

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And starts vomiting. Really disgusting, loud, stomach churning bouts, which go on and on and on. His bathroom is right outside my kitchen window and dining room door. We can't sit in our garden.

How do we approach this with tact?




  1. next time you see him ask him if he is ok, and then tell him you over herd him being ill and that you were concerned about him.

    you might find that he wont want you hearing him being ill and maybe unaware that you can quite clearly hear him.

    honesty is always the best policy.

    good luck

  2. tell him to speak to Frank! that will sort him n his addiction out lol :)

  3. You don't, there's absolutely nothing you can do!  If you want more privacy then you need to move to another house.

  4. Tell him if he gets drunk again, you're going to play heavy metal music at full volume all the next morning.

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