
I have a problem with my psychic ability? How can I avoid begin exposed? And how can I get stronger?

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See I was going to class and I jumped the stairs and someone in my premonition said ''Where you just levitating'' and i didn't wanna answer because I know I have ''psychic abilities'' But the only one I have is premonitions and I also had a premonition that my other psychic ability was telekinesis. But for some strange reason I haven't gotten to that level yet.




  1. WoW, I looked at all of your answers and people are mean. If they didn't have anything good to say, then they shouldn't have wasted their time writing back to you. It just shows how much people need a life and how mean they are. Anyways, I'm sorry nobody believed you and I hope you are telling the truth otherwise I'm the dummy, but anyways... You should practice on whatever your power is more and more. If it comes randomly, maybe so will your telekenisis. Time is key. Hope I helped.

  2. Hello TW

    You cannot rush development. Try & you will fail. You can only develope at the speed that your spiritual self feels that you should. It doesnt matter how much you conscious self wishes to move forwards, & that is exactly what will hold you up.

    I always tell students to learn the basics, get a really strong grip on them - Grounding, Opening, Recognising your Connection to Spirit & Closing. By understanding your own spiritual self you will gain strength & confidence.


    join ~ Practice Tarot. Psychic Development.

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    All Like Minded Folk Welcome

  3. Psychics are fake, no offense to you. On My33 TV it shows all the tricks of  Psychic, and they're all not real. The show also featured the secrets of Magician and Street Magicians. They say it's all a scam to get your money. So you don't have any powers.

  4. You might possess the ability of flight. Only about 1 in 1000 people actually have this ability. Its believed to be a surviving trait which got lost after the extinction of the dinosaurs. When the dinosaurs roamed the earth, humans needed the ability to fly to survive the T-Rex and velociraptor attacks.

    You dont see many people flying, because most like to take the subway anyway to avoid too much attention. However, John Denver had the ability to fly, and it ended up killing him, so be careful.

  5. Sounds perfectly logical, relative to the perspective of a true believer.

  6. I have a hard time controlling my "ability". It comes as random "clips". I have not been able to choose when I can or can't be enlightened. I don't understand your question about exposure. I choose not to inform people as a rule of thumb. There are a select few people in my personal life that are aware. The anonymity of the Internet allows me to chose to chat about it or not. Love, peace, harmony

  7. One of the problems with psychic ability is that it is far more subtle than rational thought and therefore does not follow the same rules (Just like Quantum does not follow the same rules as Newtonian Physics)

    Premonitions may or may not happen, circumstances change, they refer to the future and the future is very plastic, changeable.

    Premonitions may indicate a possability that you have to prepare for, work for, they may indicate a directionality.  You may not expereince it because you did not work toward it.

    Psychic ability requires emotional and spiritual maturity for its owns manageable growth.  

    I may suggest that you let the premonitions happen, try not to get to involved with them, work on self mastery, because without this psychic ability can become a heavey burden.

  8. you have a choice to tell or not to tell. some will believe and some wont /  to get stronger you need to use your gift and try other things.  try to find things , help find people, try to think about the past, present, and future  kim

  9. You may want to read books by other psychics who have developed control over their abilities. Often early on in the psychic development process there is an inability to control incoming and outgoing messages and abilities, and over time you can learn to develop control over them. There are plenty of books out there on psychic development which would likely be beneficial to you.

  10. i think that when you jumped you have got hurt on your head and now you are not a psychic but a pschycotic. so better you keep yourself away from the internet.

  11. That's the problem all psychics have, I'm afraid. They have to be  extra careful to make sure their abilities aren't conclusively demonstrated by accident. So far, all of them have been 100% successful, thank god. But who knows, one of them might slip up at any time!  So you have to be careful to avoid being exposed. Be on your guard all the time.

  12. Try grounding and shielding techniques. You might find references to magick when you look this up but it works the same for psychics. It is a way to balance your energy and protect yourself from other's energy. Psychics tend to be very sensitive to the energies around them. It can make you feel out of sorts, overly emotional etc. so it's bet to work on grounding and shielding.

    Also, keep a journal of your psychic activities so that you will come to a better understanding of your gifts and how they work.

  13. If you're still in should just concentrate on your SCHOOL WORK...and then go HAVE FUN!! Forget about this! If it's meant to can develop it your spare time. Right now you need to LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE!!!

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