
I have a problem with sweating?

by  |  earlier

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My arms used to be sweating most of time but it has slowed for a while but i still have sweating in my underarms even when i do nothing and when i am working out my shirt is filled with sweat.How do i stop this kind of sweating.I don't think it has anything to do with my weight.I am bulking right now about 20% bf and even when i was in my cutting season 6% bf i used to sweat a lot even when i do nothing.Please help its quite embarassing for me.I avoid a lot of functions due to my sweating problems and it also prevent me from getting with people.




  1. i have that problem but i used something called arid dry and worked very good if you have sweaty feet spray it on your feet. before i started using it I would sweat when it was freezing out side

  2. This happened to me to. I would sweat right through a shirt in the dead of winter. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me Drysol there are also other medications similar to this. Its just this stuff that you put on your armpits once a week. My dermatologist also said you can get botox shots to stop the sweating but they are very painful. I would say go to the doctor to get a medication. P.S. The over the counter stuff usually isnt strong enough to stop the sweating so dont waste your money.

  3. Use a lot of deodorant. Like, alot. It will at least cover the smell. Other than that, wear black or dark colors to cover the look of having sweaty arm pits.  

  4. you can get anti sweating pills - i wouldn't take them all the time as i'm sure it's not the best for you, but they do work. only side effects for most people are dry mouth, maybe feeling overheated (bc your body isn't cooling itself down naturally by sweating)...

    go to a dermatologist and ask about your options...they should be able to point you to a few solutions.

  5. Okay, well deoderant doesnt just make you smell good, it also makes your body sweat less. If you put on deoderant before you go to bed, then while you're sleeping it'll like close up your sweat glans. I'm not kidding, trust me it works. I read it in a health magazine and now I do it all the time.

    Also, you might want to do some googlying research-but if you cut out certain foods i'm sure that would help a lot!

    Most of it is probably genetics..

  6. hyperhidrosis.

    tons of people have it. you aren't the only one:]

    try CertainDri.

    if that doesnt work, then go to your doctor and ask for a drysol prescription. it works really well. you use it every day for the first week and then after that twice a week and no more sweating.

    the only bad part is, it burns and itches for about 15 minutes when you start using it twice a week. but not the first week. dunno why. but it works.

  7. my brother has the same prob but he has a heart problem..

    he gets tablets to help the sweating

    hope this helps

  8. There is nothing you can buy that will prevent it but there are a few things you can to reduce it and take care of the oder. First drink as much purified water and pure juice as you can and try to avoid spicy foods , remember what you put in always comes out in various ways .. Wash with old spice high endurance body wash , dry you're arm pits very well and then let them cool down a bit after a hot shower , then apply a deoderant that will last 24 hours , and apply an unscented corn starch based powder . the powder will help keep you're arm pits cooler and absorb oder. When you can ,go shirtless so you can get more air to you're arm pits .And wear more cotton shirts which are cooler and more loose fitting shirts when you can.

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