
I have a problem with the new hydrogen cars...?

by  |  earlier

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What if they are in an accident and ignite? Do any of the car companies remember the Hindenburg?




  1. the Hindenburg was a huge zeppelin

    i wish i had a hydrogen car to worry about

    Or  a zeppelin for that matter ,like the fugi one .

  2. what is safe? gasoline will explode and nuclear power plants can have a melt down. The carbon released into the atmosphere for fossil fuels is destroying the planet.

  3. The Hindenburg stored hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of hydrogen gas that ignited and burnt the thin bladder encasing it rapidly. H2 cars have tanks that are puncture proof and only store small amounts of gas (compared to the Hindenburg). As it is generated on demand. And it takes a spark to ignite the gas just as it takes a spark to ignite a propane tank. Shooting a hole in a propane tank doesn't make them explode like in the movies nor would shooting or puncturing a hole in an H2 tank cause an explosion. You would have to ignite it with a spark and then you would get a very hot flame, but no explosion. Without the spark you would just have escaping gas that would break down in the atmosphere fairly rapidly.

  4. Is that reason enough not to develop it ???  These are pressurize tanks. Not like gas.  Much less likely to catch fire.

      You are basically saying that we should outlaw all autos because you may get in a wreck and get killed.

  5. Yes I have worked with it and it is the most explosive gas on the planet. When filling your tank if a little oxygen gets in the tank it will flash back into the tank. I don't think it can be handled safely .

  6. the paint on the airship caused the fire

    hydrogen can cause batteries to explode....should we ban batteries too?

  7. More bad news for your question, besides gasoline being flammable and having much more energy per gallon than hydrogen.    The hydrogen on the Hindenburg was burnt up in seconds.   All the flame seen was from the burning outer shell.   As paint they used what is now used as rocket propellant.

  8. Are you aware that gasoline is also flammable?  How useful as  a fuel would it be if it DIDN'T have a lot of energy?  Here's your quiz:  In a gasoline powered car, what keeps the gas tank from expoding in a wreck?

  9. Well, you're in good shape: nobody else has a hydrogen car, either.  That's because there's no economical source of hydrogen.  The stuff you buy at the welding shop is natural gas that's been heated up until the carbon falls out of it.  

    As for explosions, gaseous fuels are pretty safe.  While there aren't any cars or trucks fueled with hydrogen, there are lots of them fueled with propane and liquified natural gas, and they're all quite safe.  In fact, most fork-lift trucks used on loading docks run on propane, and while they regularly get into some fairly horrible tangles when things fall on them, they don't explode.

  10. You are an idiot, ur the reason h2 cars are not on the market yet. United Nuclear devised up a plan to store it safe,even if the tank busted in half no h2 would be released. The h2 would be put into liquid then  chemically bonded to a chemical so as the chemical would leak out non combustible. But because of people like u the government denied them rights to a patent or production. do every one a favor this fall don't vote.

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