
I have a profound hearing loss including the hardening of the bone in the ear but since starting my exercise?

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program, I can hear without my hearing aids where before, my husband and daughter had to get right in my face so I could hear a little and read their lips. Has anyone ever heard of this? I feel blessed for this to happen to me, it creeps me out a little bit and at the same time, I would like to get the word out about another plus of exercising.




  1. Interesting.  There have been some case reports of vigorous exercise WORSENING hearing, but I can't find one suggesting an improvement.

    I have no idea if there is a cause and effect, or if this is just coincidental

    Your ENT specialist would be very interested I'm sure.  Maybe your case could be written up, and the start of a new treatment for deafness.

  2. Please let us know what exercise you do?  I have a father and mother in law whos life is difficult because of loss of hearing.

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