
I have a project for tourism marketing .i want to know advertising,publicity and use of media for marketing.?

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I have a project for tourism marketing. I want to know how to help advertising, publicity and use of media for marketing?




  1. You need to post more details. What country? Who is your target audience? What's your budget? What is it that you want to achieve? How will you measure the success of your plan?

    There are too many different combinations and I don't think anyone can help unless you post more information.

  2. HI!  I am going to answer this based on consumer market rather than business to business.

    1.  Public Relations/Publicity  

    a) contact travel writers through travel writers association about your destination or attraction for PR

    b) Select a few areas where the visitors come from and submit  articles about the destination to the travel editor.

    2)  Advertisie in webpage on line media and travel sections of newspapers.  Use social networking sites, You tube, My space to have great "fun pictures" about the destination/attraction.  Create a blog about the area or attraction and get other peoples opinions.

    3) Use your area or destination, if appropriate  as a "give a way" on radio promotions and/or web promotions for lots of  free exposure.  Vegas resorts have been doing this for years.

    4)  Create a Promomotinal piece that you can stuff literature into and use at consumer tradeshows and to give to to key high producing travel agents both on line and brick and motar agencies to catch their attention and get them to recommend your destination/attraction.

    5.  get your website linked to as many as possible in the travel industry  (obvious)  Maybe have a contest to encourge more click throughs

  3. There are tons of social media opportunities in that market.  Check out some of these sites - a social site that allows travelers to give each other advise about places to go and things to do for every destination under the sun. Use the site to talk about the tourism venue or destination you wish to promote. - accepts reviews from users of hotels and guesthouses and other accommodations. - accepts reviews from users for hotels and offers many community oriented features and options for user generated content. - accepts user reviews of accommodations.  The site also has other community features including blogs and forums.  All of these features provide a great opportunity to interact with people interested in visiting the destination you're promoting. - a user generated content site with destination guides and reviews of accommodations. - this is another community oriented site for travel fans that has user generated content features.  

    You might also want to look at placement targeted advertising on travel sites such as (travel pages) (travel pages)

    Wedding sites would also be good for placement targeting since you'll hit people shopping for a honeymoon.

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