
I have a ps3, a new 1080p Samsung tv, and a monster HDMI cable, whats wrong w/ my blu-ray movies?

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I recently recieved a 1080p plasma samsung tv, a playstation 3, and a monster HDMI cable. The reason I bought it is because I was "WOWED" by the blu-ray demo they always show at best buy. The picture was so real, it almost looked 3D as though I could reach into the screen and grab it. I was excited when I got a player of my own, but when i played the movie, it wasn't nearly as sharp as the demo I watched. It just looked like a really good DVD picture, but a DVD pisture nonetheless. Could there be something defective in my PS3 or HDMI cable? What am I doing wrong? Someone please help me.




  1. Try another Blu-ray movie; not all movies are created equal

    (I hope you do a BD movie and not an old DVD disc).

    Without seeing what you see it very hard to say whether any of your setups is wrong.

    make sure also your PS3 does output in 1080p format.

  2. I think the display settings are set up differently at the store showroom. I have the Samsung model LNT40661F. The TV has three display settings: Standard, Dynamic, and Movie. Best Buy probably used the dynamic setting.

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