
I have a ps3 40 GB. I cleaned the hard drive but I still only have 14 GB free space. What should I do?

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I have 17 GB/37 GB. No music, minimal save game data, and two demos (774 MB). What taking up so much room?




  1. How many games have you played? Each game installs data along with it when you first play it. That takes up a lot of space on its own.

    Also, the firmware updates take space, as do the different types of media.

  2. I you did a format of the hard drive a full format will erase everything so back up everything. It is under format utility.

  3. return it

  4. hmmm..lets see.first you have to delete everything pics and movies and videos and saved games you know.if it didn't erase maybe you didn't do something right.or just buy a bigger hard drive.i have a ps3 with 80G.

  5. Buy a bigger hard drive?

  6. the ps3 loses 5 gig for every 60 gig so that means about 4 gig of yours is used by the ps3 operating system and as for the other 10 gig it may be collectively taken up by game data which is much larger than save files some video, and maybe your message box. i have many games with game data that are around 5 gig so you may have those too  

  7. Backup your data and format it... If this does not work, buy a new one.... it does not worth of sending the ps3 back to the store.......

  8. its normal for your ps3 to take some space even if its empty and without files..just normal though..If you want more memory, i recommend you to get an 2.5 SATA drive, any brand shall can choose how many gb's you want then get it..  here you can look at these, not that expensive though..

    Yeah if you need some help about how to upgrade it and install it, you can look it up on youtube they have helpful videos step by step or you can look up on your manual of your ps3..Goodluck!

  9. Well your harddrive helps to run your system so it takes up some of the space like on a 80GB memory you only end up with 60GB's of memory

    I found this out on the Xbox 360 but I think its just a baisc concept

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