
I have a ps3 and a hd tele. can i watch blu rays?

by  |  earlier

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i dont have a hdmi cable - is this a problem, or can i still watch blu rays?




  1. You can still watch them but the quality would be pathetic.

    So in trying to save money on not buying the cable you would just end up wasting more money in buying blue rays instead of the cheaper standard definition. However if you have the 5 colour component (red blue green red and white0 that will do fine.

    In conclusion i think if your TV in 1080p then buy an hdmi lead and if it is 1080i or less then get the component but if you are sticking to blue-ray DONT get scart or standard component (Yellow blue and white)

    Iain :)

  2. if you tv has the HDMI socket...get a cable (about £15 quid from your local pcworld) its well worth can use scart connection...but thats soo not living up to its potential

  3. Congratulations on owning a PS3! I too am an owner and loving every minute of it.

    It depends on if your TV has HDMI inputs. If you look on the back of the PS3, you'll see a slot labeled hdmi. Look for the on the back of your TV. If you see that then your in luck! Just buy a 3 to 6ft hdmi cable and do it up! From there you'll have to go into the PS3 settings and change the Display settings. Once you get in there, the setup is pretty self explanatory. You want to change the video output from the conventional cable or Av's to the hdmi. (You'll see what I mean once your in the settings) You may also want to change the sound settings as well if you also have the sound coming out of your TV. Go into your sound settings and change from Av's to hdmi. If you have any other questions then feel free to e-mail me @

  4. Ah JEAH Son!

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