
I have a ps3 so in anyones opinion out there which is better, a ps3 or a xbox 360? ?

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make sure you are also judging this on the games that are out for it, not just the system.




  1. Well Personally, I like ps3 better because ps3 has blue ray, that means it has better graphics than xbox 360, and can play blue ray disks, it can also go on the internet wireless. But xbox 360 has live chat, and a better selection of war games and such, on the other hand ps3, is also comatible with ps1, and ps2 games, therefor it has more game options, I think You MAde A Good Choice With The ps3.

  2. PS3 of coarse

  3. okay ps3 has the goods MGS4 Uncharted Ratchet the exclusives so do 360 Halo 3 Crackdown most of their games aren't really exclusives like Mass effect for PC also and Gears PC also Bioshock coming to ps3 and so on so judging on exclusives ps3 judging on games ps3 judging on online 360 because of it's users but ps3 has alot of players so juding on all around it is non other than ps3

  4. honestly dude, right now xbox 360 is more funnier cause it has better game right now. BUT WAIT Tell nov-dec. that when games goin to come out because of christmas..

    to me, i rather stick with ps3 cause it a great console. it has blue-ray. FREE internet. graphic is awesome. play the ps1 or ps2 games.

    just stick with ps3. but i hope you got either 60 or 80 gigs cause those are the best one outta all the ps3.

  5. Sony really got arrogant with the PS3 and blew it big time. Its cost them alot of exclusives, and alot of titles in general, as well as alot of customers. 360 has more games, and majority of the better games. Ps3 has a handful, but thats it, and more and more of them are coming out on the 360 too.

    PS3 has greater graphic capabilities when maxed out, but its graphics processors are separate, and cant work on the same thing. 360s has a few less graphics processors, however they are unified.

    So... basically, what this boils down to is, PS3 has higher graphic processors assuming a game takes advantage of it. However, when building to the lowest common denominator (common practice for multi-console release), any of the 360's processor's which arnt be utilized can assist the others. The PS3's cant, idle processors just sit idle. So, a game built for the lowest common denominator (as many games are) should look equivalent, if not better, on the 360.

    PS2 was a great machine, and was the lowest common denominator of last gen. GC and xbox power wasn't really utilized most the time. Sony seemed to see microsoft's business model and said 'hey, lets take that up a notch' and magnified every mistake. Ps3 is the hardest to utilize, the most expensive to dev for, and the most expensive to own. Either sony got lucky last gen, or they forgot everything that worked.

    When the PS3 came out, I was simply appalled. Not only did they not learn from the ps2, they didnt learn their mistakes in the psp either. PS3 could be wiping the floor with 360, but they're idiots. Now I own a 360 and a Wii, with no intention of getting a PS3, especially with their newer non-backwards compatible models. Majority of sony's good games are ps2.

    The only ps3 exclusive that impressed me is no longer exclusive; ffxiii.

    Alot comes down to price. Nintendo figured this out. Microsoft got lucky by Sony's current spell of idiocy. That basically sums up the console sells in America.

    Currently, Im not seeing many rpgs on any of the new machines (although 360 has a few REALLY nice ones), a little disappointing; 360 is king of action, ps2 is king of rpgs, wii and ds of funky new games, and ps3 of... blu-ray? Idk. Sony disappoints ><

  6. They both have their positive parts and flaws and in the end its all prefrence!

  7. well the ps3 has this glitch that shuts off automaticlly and the x box 360 has the red ring of death which basically distroys it making it unable to use.  but as far as the games go i wuld say ps3.    

  8. the best system everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is nintendo wii fudge ps3 and xbox 360 go mario and luigi and bowser and peach and yoshi and toad and waluigi and wario and donkey kong and dont forget about diddy kong and and snake and sonic with his lover amy oh wait snake from nintendo ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha... ps3 and xbox 360 for life nintedo wii represneting homie ahahahhahahaha...

  9. ps3 because you can watch p**n on the internet browser

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