
I have a puppy under six weeks old. How can I treat him for fleas without hurting him??

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I have a puppy under six weeks old. How can I treat him for fleas without hurting him??




  1. I have very seldom used any "flea meds" I bath my dog with dish soap, usually Dawn but palmolive or any kind, also will work.  Do not give him a bath real often as it can start to irratate...(no more than once a week)...It has always worked like a charm for our dogs...25+ years...

  2. You can buy an all natural flee collar or flea spray at walmart. Dont buy the ones with chemicals in it. Or A bath every week will do it.

  3. The only thing you can do is tap into your "inner monkey" and pick them off.

  4. firstly it is hugely irresponsible for a breeder to be selling a puppy under 6 weeks of age- it is not even legal for them to sell one before 8 weeks old!

    You should be able to give pup a bath with a mild doggy shampoo without harming him. Look at the label on the bottle or talk to the pet store attendant or vet where you purchase the shampoo about what such a young dog can be washed with.

    There are definately preventative herbs and things for dogs that should keep fleas at bay- a tea tree oil based shampoo should help.

    Wash all his bedding very regularly until you can use a proper treatment, and treat any other animals in your house.

    Fleas love to live in dirt so if your puppy is playing in alot of dirt with no grass I would recommend moving him to another area of the yard where it will be harder for the fleas to get to him.

  5. dawn dish detergentt

  6. why do you have such a young pup, it should still be with its mother until 8 weeks.This pup is still to young for flea treatment it will make it sick

  7. flea comb him regularly.

    you can purchase those at pet stores.

    i flea comb my dog twice a day and she's doing great.

    hope this helps!

  8. You can buy a flea collar at wall mart

  9. buy a flea collar its a collar with spikes on it

  10. You can't. The chemicals in ALL flea treatments (drops, spray, gel, shampoo, collars, powders, dips, etc) are far too strong to use on a six week old puppy.

    How did a six week old puppy get away from its mother and infested with fleas already?

    If you don't get them off soon, the dog will begin to dehydrate and suffer from anemia, and possibly die. Take the dog to the vet, and report whomever gave/sold you that puppy to the police, its a felony to sell an animal under eight weeks of age.

  11. First of all, it is illegal in most places to sell a dog under the age of 8 weeks.  Taking a dog away from it's litter-mates and mother too early (even if it was weaned) can create a dog that will have behavior problems all of its life.  You need to call a vet and ask about the fleas.  You could also try asking at one of the many  Ask a Vet websites.

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