
I have a purebred pomeranian that is 11 weeks old and is peeing and pooping in the house?

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what can i do to make her stop doing it?




  1. i have no clue, our pomeranian was the same, and the breed is just very stubborn.. so we got rid of him.

  2. go buy some puppy pads and place where you want baby to pee. every time you see pup start to squat take her to pad and give praise. after a while the pup will get the idea that that is where to go potty. then you start moving the pad towards the door till you have pup going to the door to go outside to potty. Just don't get mad or loud as this does not help! This is not a hard lession to learn if you stick to it. at 11 weeks I would be amazed if the baby was potty trained as I have had pups that took a whole year to figure it out. After all how long did it take for your mom to potty train you?

  3. take it out more...and your no where near done with potty training, keep working on it!!

  4. try taking it out for a walk and every time walk it the same it. If it poos or pees outside start petting it and getting happy for it. Give it a treat too.

  5. put news papers every place she goes

  6. Just keep working with it.  Take out as often as possible and praise for a job well done.  I have 2 Poms, and with time they are trainable.

  7. Potty training your puppy can be a long drawn out process, and takes a lot of patience.

    Like someone above me said "Take the dog out more often", take the puppy outside on a schedule every two or three hours (whenever you are home), tell your puppy to "go pee/potty"  allow the puppy time to sniff around, and when he or she goes, reward them.

    If you are not home all day to train them (during the week or while you are at school/work) put down a pee pad in the area that they are likely to relive themselves in (eventually you can ween them off of the pads, but puppies need to relieve themselves more often) and allow them that area to use. When you are home, use the schedule.

    If they go in the house where they are not supposed to, hold its nose above the spot where they relieved themselves in and sternly tell them "no" (this lets your puppy knows that what they did was wrong). Its difficult to punish your puppy, because it is heart breaking and can feel mean, but it is part of potty training, just DO NOT get carried away or be rough with punishment.

    I live in a condominium and had to potty train my puppy rather quickly since I was going to school at the time, and he had it down within two weeks. Now he is fully potty trained, no matter where he is, including stores.

    I hope it works for you.

  8. Pomeranians are small dogs. small dogs equal small bladders. you have to take them out more often than the larger breed dogs. if you keep her on a feeding and watering schedule, it will make it easier on you. also, if you crate train, they don't like to soil their beds. feed her 4 to 5 small meals a day with water availiable at all times. take her out first thing in the morning, after eating, after playing, after napping. housetraining can take six months or longer, especially in such a small dog. don't get impatient. just take her out when you see signs of her having to go: circling, sniffing, running to hide. she will get the hang of it, it just takes time. and again, don't get impatient.

    EDIT: and when i say 4 to 5 small meals a day, that means take her total days ration and divide it into small portions. soon, you will be able to tell when she will have to go. i know almost exactly when my dogs are going to go p**p. schedule.

  9. Housetrain her?  If that is what you are having trouble with, then buy puppy pee pads or crate train her (search for them in Google).

  10. Potty train her. It's not hard.

    We breed poms and it is not hard to potty train them at all. That is if you have the time.  We start potty training them at 6 weeks of age that way when they go to their new homes between 10-12 weeks they are pretty much house trained. I take them outside at least every 30 minutes telling them" Lets go potty" or "Potty time." It does not take them long too learn this is when they are to go outside to potty. When it snows out and is too cold to take them outside we start them on paper training and gradually move them out the door when the weather allows. Works every time. You just have to be consistent with your training.

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