
I have a question, can you please help?

by Guest59751  |  earlier

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Hi, i am 19 and i have a foot fetish, and for years have been attracted to my own nana's feet, i know this is wrong but i enjoy looking at them, and would like to massage them for her. Can you please give me your opinion on this? Is it really ok? Thanks




  1. Get some psychiatric help.

  2. How many times have you posted this question now? Enough! It's getting very old and VERY tedious.  

  3. Go on give her a massage she will love it !

  4. what the h**l, you think people don't know you're the same guy who's been asking this ALL THE TIME for months now?  Yeah, like there's some other guy out there who's into his own grandma's feet.  Week after d**n week after d**n week you ask this question, and you're apparently not getting the answer you want because you just go on asking this week after d**n week after d**n week.  Enough.  why bother asking this at all when you apparently just go ahead and ignore everyone who tells you that it's messed up to be attracted to your own grandma week after d**n week.... after d**n week.  Stop it.  No amount of asking for other peoples' opinion is going to change what you already know yourself.  Stop it and stop it now.  No matter HOW many God DAMNED times you ask this, the facts are:

    1-- being 19 and attracted to old women is pretty weird.

    2-- being attracted to your OWN GRANDMA is not only weird and not only gross, but very, very wrong.

    3-- you're obviously never going to do anything about this sick attraction of yours anyway, since you haven't by now.

    So why?  Why do you ask this?  Why do you ignore everything everyone says each time?   Why will you ask this another three times next week?  Why will you ignore everyone again next week?  I'm begging you, grow the balls to answer these questions.  Hit that button that says edit or more details or whatever it says and tell us once and for all.  I dare you.  I triple God d**n dog dare you.

  5. Don't touch her feet look for someone else who likes their feet touched.

    Many people have a thing for different parts of the body. I like men's chests for instance. I would in fact ask permission of the owners feet before you get all in to it if that's the way you are. Go work at a shoe store but leave Nana's feet alone!

  6. loads off ppl have dat fetish i personally dont or dont know any1 who does but i have heard off it before so it should be ok nothing wrong with it

  7. nasty you need Jesus and prayer be blessed

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