
I have a question?? 10 points for answering right.!?

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im 16. i want to know why when i puh my f******n back it doesnt go all the way. there is this skin that is stuck on the head of the p***s. can you tell me why this is, and when will it fall off.




  1. if you are talking about a small piece of skin below the urinary opening that is the frenulum it's normal and permanent and a high sensation area

    it's normal for both circumcised and uncircumcised guys to have it

    ignore the pro circumcision people above, they have never had a f******n and will never know it's benefits

  2. you need to be circumcised.  That's where the surgically remove that skin.  Most people have that done at birth but not everyone.  Make an apointment to see the doctor.

  3. If the f******n is actually attached to the head of the p***s, you will probably have to get it surgicially corrected at this point.  

  4. Your f******n attaches at the head of your p***s, which is probably what you see, and it won't fall is permanent.

    Not to be gross, but just so you can see for yourself, here are some pics to see what normal f******n looks like:


    I hope this helps to answer any questions you may have.

  5. You actually don't *need* to be circumcised.

    And I've seen this sort of thing before. The f******n can actually be stretched out to allow the head of the p***s to show. You just have to take the time to stretch it.

    A good time to do this is in the shower. Just tug and pull on it... If it hurts, stop, and try again some other time.

    If it bothers you, you have the option of getting circumcised, but your sensitivity will be greatly reduced.

  6. pull it back before you are erect

    then get an erection it will hurt and it will come off

    i learned this when i was 9.

  7. Your fore skin will never fall off, your parents were suppose to get you circumsized when you were a baby, it doesn't go all the way back because it's not suppose to, it's dead skin. there is no use for it. are you talking about the little skin under the head? yeah...that's not going any where.

  8. It won't you have to keep peeling it back or it will grow together just like a piercing will grow closed.

  9. You have not been circumcised.  It will never fall off unless you get a circumcision.

    You do not want to make it retract all the way, that will hurt very much! If you want that piece off, you get it circumcised, otherwise, don't do anything to it.

  10. it wont

    will always be there

    not suppsed to pull all the way back

    and if it is

    ur just a freak


    oh ya

    and they stop circumsizing boys

    for ever

  11. nothing will fall off !!! seek help if it does, it'll get more elastic the more you play with it , then go all the way back.  

  12. I had a same problem when I was 16. to 20 all became normal.

  13. You are uncircumcised! You need to go see a doctor about getting circumcised! It is very simple and quick procedure that can be done in the doctors office. Healing will take 3-4 weeks and you will be good to go! I was circumcised at 18 and would do it again in a heartbeat! They will just remove your f******n and you will never have another problem. It is much cleaner, healthier and looks better! Don't believe anyone that tells you there is a loss of sensativity, it is all BS!

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