
I have a question.. HELP!?

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Okay, I was born with SOME instep in my feet, and SOME back flexibility. If i work everyday and such, can I get my feet, back, and splits to look somewhat like this? I know she has been training for her whole life and all....

PLEASE give me tips and exercises to do to help strengthen my back and arch my feet and help me get my splits down... quickly as possible!

I am a dancer, not a gymnast, but I am amazed at their abilities!




  1. Oh yes, you could!

    You just have to be able to do the splits first.

    Here are some tips for you to gain flexibility:

    1. Wear stretchy clothes to stay in the same position without getting too bored.

    2. Spread your legs as wide as they will go, and sit with them wide for 10-15 minutes.

    3. Use something to hold your legs in that wide position such as something heavy and wide like a dresser, a wall, or a person(who slowly widens them with his/her legs).

    4. Stand every 10-15 minutes and allow the pain from the stretch to wear off.

    5. Get stretched faster and do more stretches for the same amount of time.

    6. Repeat the process and allow your self to stretch wider each time for more minutes (25)at least.

    7. Remember to breath deeply and stretch more on exhales

    8. Avoid bouncing and rocking into position or having someone painfully force the stretch. You could tear or damage tendons, ligaments and muscles.

    9. Read this guide on how to do the splits in 3 weeks It provides a week by week schedule with specific steps and a list of very effective stretches.

    Here are some tips:

    * Stretch after excersise or after a warm shower or bath.

    * Don't eat while stretching

    * Stretch using rubber bands, or warm water to warm muscles.

    * Don't over-stretch yourself, or go beyond your limits.

    * Don't hurt yourself, or endure too much pain just to get the splits down.

    * Gently massage the upper leg muscles while streching, for some people this seems to ease the pain.

    * Practice makes perfect.

    * Don't wait until the week before tryouts to learn to do splits. Start practicing months in advance so your muscles and flexibility develop.

    * Once your body is used to splitting, it will become easier and easier to do it.

    * Always be committed to doing the splits because once you stop for awhile your muscles won't be as flexible as it used to.

    Hope I helped and good luck!

  2. well I wanted to do that too well I still do but I know that I really can't bend my body like she can I looked up a video of her on before and my back is very stiff I'm a ballerina so I don't really need to be able to do those crazy things with my body and I have hurt my back before so I am just trying to get all my splits LOL but if you are 7 years old then you need to find a gymnastic studio and train with them then you might be able to do it but even if you where 5 years old you might not be able to do it because of you natural flexibility if you don't have any then you won't ever do it and since I'm guessing you older then 7 there are slim chances you will ever be able to do that and you do practically have to be double jointed as far as the feet go well same thing I have a very low arch and in ballet you're supposed to be able to pointe you feet and have a really high arch so I know how you feel so my suggestion is you go to ballet class or gymnastic class or both so good luck and wish me luck too I'll need all the luck I can get [very strict Russian ballet teacher] =^..^=

  3. honey it is near impossible to look liek her. she is double jointed in even joint of her body! just stretch a lot to pis to hard. sit in your splits for a couple mintues over a over again. if you get sore warm up and DO NOT push your self to hard.

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