
I have a question: Is it O.K. to love ones country but hate the people in it? Kinda like the liberals!?

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"timmy" Your kindness is the reason I wake up in the morning!




  1. Well, you aren't always going to love everyone and likewise. Do the liberals hate everyone in the country? I did not know that. I thought they were into getting more rights for the people and hate the ones standing in the way of our 'pursuit of happiness' that is in the constitution.

  2. Using the words Hate and Liberals is what has causes the problems.   The Muslim  and Islams want us to HATE each other.  That is the way they think.  That is what keeps the middle east wars going between the Sunni and Shiite.  We are not that way.

    Conservatives/Liberals and Democrats and Republicans do not HATE each other.   We might disagree... but we can't allow that to turn to HATE.

  3. We dont hate our country, GWB hates our country, d**k Cheney hates our country, Phil Gramm HATES our country, Karl Rove hates our country! BUT to answer your stupid question, its ok to hate some of the people in it, like you.

  4. I love my country and my people but I hate stupid people

    unfortunately our country is full of stupid people

    eat that!!!

  5. I love America and I hate you. So, yes, it's possible.

    If you understood what liberalism really is you'd be much less likely to bash it so.

  6. I wasn't aware that the Liberals love the country.

    Where did you hear that stupid myth??

  7. I love America and what it stands for. I hate the idiots who don't know what America stands for and think it stands for guns and beer, and don't give a c**p about free speech, religious freedom or the liberties our forefathers died for. I hate those idiots who go around in American flag t shirts and SUVs with yellow ribbons, thinking that makes them patriotic. I hate the people who think that Under god is written in the constitution. I hate the people who don't understand that supporting the troops means being willing to pay more taxes, sacrifice material goods to the war effort. I hate the people who fly the flag every day and let the flag get worn and look like an old dish rag.

    I hate those people who think that because they find a few things on the internet that they know more then people who have studied a subject their entire lives. I hate how these people think that it's a good thing to have somebody who seems like a common guy in office, despite any qulifications or lack thereof and intelligence or lack thereof. I hate the people who think that because somebody is intelligent they must be a f*g or g*y (sic). I hate how people think that people who take the time to educate themselves are elitist and should be taken less seriously.

    I could go on (already have), but you get the idea. I love what our nation's ideals and government is, but I hate the idiots that make up a large part of our populace.

  8. Do not hate it is like a spreading cancer. You are better than that.

  9. It is ok to love the country but hate our form of government, because the administration we have right now is not the one the founding fathers thought of when they created the Constitution.

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