
I have a question... Will my voice change as I get older (I'm 17.5 now)

by Guest65599  |  earlier

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This isn't my permanent voice for life right? Won't it continue to deepen as I get older or am I wrong on that?




  1. Once you've had your voice change, which usually happens around 12 or 13, then your voice remains the same.   I've heard there are voice exercises you can do to help make your voice deeper.  Actually it was on an episode of Oprah a few years ago.  She had someone who specialized on helping people to deepen their voice through voice exercises.


  2. yeah it will get deeper but it just is taking your voice longer to deepen like mines still isn't deep and I'm about to be 15 so just wait it out and eventually it will deepen up  

  3. well is it a kid voice

  4. well why do you ask? is your voice still cracking? well if it is i hope so for your sake but im sure it will.

  5. It will continue.

  6. I think it will for both guys and girls. And to prove my point, just go listen to the voices of young adults and seniors.  They're definitely different.  The change just won't be as spontaneous and that big, but it'll change.

    I really hope I'm right because my current voice is really lame.

  7. your voice already cracked but if its still low try too rumble your voice a lil bit when you talk too ppl then keep doin it and eventually it would sound just like that all the time

  8. it will crackle and then get deeper ur voice will squeak at first then it will get smoother

  9. yup it will continue thru out your whole life.

  10. I don't know if your voice will necessarily get deeper (it can) but it will change as you age.  

  11. NO. you are done maturing so your voice doesn't change  

  12. it will continue i have a friend who is 18 and his voice is still changing

  13. you'll get over it.

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