
I have a question about 2 seperate experiences I had.......

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First off let me say one thing, "ALL OF THIS IS TRUE, I HAVE NO REASON TO LIE ABOUT THIS". OK, my first happened when I was about 14-15 and I lived in Seoul, Korea. I used to sleep on the floor on a futon. I layed in my room facing my window, which you could see a lot of Seoul, we stayed on the 17th floor. Anyways, I fell asleep with my eyes open. Yes i really did. Then out of nowhere, I see a white fireball hit the city from my window. The whole city was on fire, but it was white fire. My body locked up and started getting goosebumps all over. I was able to lay straight and turn away from the window, but it took a lot just to do that. I couldn't say anything. Then there was white fire all over me and white rats were crawling up my body. I COULD FEEL THEM. I then used all my strength to put my back towards the window and look at the wall. This is the peak of it. A face stuck out my wall and was wearing a trucker cap. The face asked me "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?!?!?!?!?!", right when the face said "AM" The hat came off and he had horns, small horns on his head. My body unlocked right after that and I was able to get up. My second was at my grandmother's house when I was about 16-17. This one is the worse. I was laying in my bed in my grandmothers house. I then fell asleep with my eyes open. I felt the same stuff again. I couldn't move, but I had goosebumps all over. Then i started to feel pinches all over my skin. MY BODY STARTED TO LIFT OFF THE BED, I COULD FEEL THE COLD ON MY BACK AS IT LIFTED OFF THE BED. I WAS FREAKING OUT BUT I COULDN'T MOVE, BUT I COULD SEE EVERYTHING, I WOULD SAY I WENT UP ABOUT 2 FEET THEN SLOWLY CAME BACK DOWN, AS SOON AS I TOUCHED THE BED, I was fine and stood up. My whole chest and arms and legs were hurting like a bunch of fingers were pinching me. I just want to know what this means.......

32 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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9 minutes ago

I know I was awake when this happened, I could move my eyes around but thats it, I had full control of my eyes. This was really scary, especially when my body was lifted off the bed. My father used to keep a Ouiji board under the same bed, but he said he used to hear voices coming from it. So my grandmother threw it in the burn pit and they all said they heard screaming coming from the pit right after that, so I don't know if this is an encounter or a really crazy dream, but i really dont think it was a dream...




  1. I think you were having a night terror.

    I get them once in a while too, where something invisible pulls me out of my bed with such force, I land on my feet.

    However, in one of the night terrors, I decided to fight back.

    I bit into where I thought the neck would be and tried ripping out it's juggler (sp) vein.

    Can't say I've been in a fighting dream since.

    I think if you were to stand up to it, determined to put it out of commission, you'd probably find those kind of dreams won't happen very often.

  2. although you do not think its a dream I can almost guarantee you it is. Dreams can often appear more real then life, rare but it happens. I would suggest these are anxiety dreams, somthing in your life was causing you stress at the points of these dreams. I would suggest speaking to a qualified proffessional. If you are afraid of these experiences they will be able to help you through, I know myself, I look forward to these...just sit back and enjoy the ride :)

  3. Sounds like you had a night terror mixed with sleep paralysis. S;eep paralysis is very common.READ MORE ABOUT IT:


  4. Hey, not to be a jerk, but unless Seoul burnt down and nobody heard about it, this was all in your head.  You can argue between vision and dream, but what can conclusively be said to differ between the two?  Do you really think that Satan would be wearing a trucker hat?  Why, because he didn't want to comb his hair?  To keep the sun off his face?  It wasn't to hide his horns, he wanted to show them to you.  This sounds like the random weird kind of thing that would happen in a dream.

  5. I think the devil is trying to get into your mind, and you need to stay strong.

  6. I realize that you feel like you are awake. There is a space in time between being awake and asleep.

    It is possible that you were having a grand mal seizue. Or a migraine headache.

    If this is indeed a haunting then you should get profesional invistagters to help you figure this out.

    I would strongly suggest a visit to the doctor.

    Or accept the fact that you oacssionally have dreams like a scary movie.

  7. Sounds like sleep paralysis or a dream to me, you say the whole city was on fire but  "then used all my strength to put my back towards the window and look at the wall" only in a dream would you turn to face the wall rather than running to the window to look more or run off screaming.

  8. those boards are bad and bring evil spirits into homes you hae to be careful and if they burnt it could have made it stay there it sounds like you are seeing the demon but why is it doing this i am not sure. you do hear stuff and see stuff you are probably catholic i would go tot he priest and talk to them if you have an older one who would listen soemtimes there are younger ones that do. its just a phase i am hoping and not possession but that does happen just keep praying and keep safe.

  9. The same thing happened to me, but differently of course. Get some rest and try to remember every detail and write it in a notebook/diary. You are not insane, just hyper-sensitive. Eat light, go to bed early, and talk about this with a close friend. Finally, read a lot, you will find just what he asked you to find, but it will take you some time...

  10. I would go consult a paranormal team or a priest.

  11. Ouija boards are evil and owning them, especially using them, can and will allow something demonic to come into your home.

  12. i dont know if your korean but koreans believe its called gawi nulinguh.  its where your awake and all your senses are heightened but when you try to move you cant. it feels as if somethings pushing down on you. your at a state where your mind and body isnt connected sort of  like a dream. if you believe in ghosts and stuff like that maybe its that. but im going to say it was a dream

  13. Lay off the weed. ;) LOL. I'm just messin' with you.

    Well I'm really skeptic about this kinda thing, so I'm of no help. Oo, you should totally go see a psychic though, they really have lots of information on this kind of thing, I think they could possibly offer some help.

  14. whoaaa! this sounds like this one time i saw a show on tv. it was called i woke up in the moor ( which is where you are put when your dead.) this lady one time fell asleep and didn't wake up for a long while. the doctors assumed she was dead because she had no pulse? they later put her in the moor and she woke up! it turns out that she had a rare disease called cataplexia. it means that at any random time you can fall asleep and you can hear everything around you but u cant move or talk at all! imagine if you were laying there hearing the doctors say "i think she is dead :("  but you cant move or talk so you cant tell them that you are alive! that would be scary. this lady woke up in the moor 4 times due to this disease. i would see a doctor and tell him everything that happened.

  15. Lots to read at library on out of body experiences and certain people have extra sensory ability that an Ouija board perceives.  Experiment to see if your such a person

  16. OMG

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