I have had depression for almost four months. Usually when I get depression, it only lasts a few weeks. But it's usually only where I feel down. This time, it's completely different. I'm getting suicidal thoughts out of nowhere, and I'm very lethargic during the day, and at random points I just want to cry. Of course I have enough sense not to act on them, but it is getting harder to push the thoughts away and not act on them. It's really confusing. I also have a huge lack of self esteem, but no matter how hard I've tried to tell myself there is nothing wrong with me, that I'm a beautiful person and I'm a good person, it always goes away and I'm left feeling like I'm someone who's only here to get in the way. I was verbally abused by my brother for almost 12 years until he left home. I'm 16 now. I didn't know that he was doing something wrong at the time. I just thought I was being bad and I needed to be disciplined for it, but he yelled at me for very stupid reasons now that I look at it. Like shutting my door too loudly. But it really is getting harder to ignore the thoughts of suicide. There has been history of depression in my family, and no medication or amount of therapy works. My parents keep telling me that my depression will pass. But I'm not so sure...
How do I get rid of it?