
I have a question about FAFSA.?

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Am i supposed to fill it out now....i dont plan on attending college until the summer of next year. but they only have forms up for July 08 to July please..just any information on FAFSA because i have to do this by myself..i live wit my grandparents and they never went to college so they dont know...thank you so much




  1. Yes, you must fill out this years FAFSA to get aid for next summer.  The FAFSA year runs from fall 2008 to summer 2009; July 2008-2009.

  2. fafsa's go until fall until summer of the following year. you should fill it out, it will cover youi. if your not sure, go to the admissions office of the college you;re attending and ask to be sure. jandice, i have a new post.

  3. You won't be able to fill it out until 01 JAN 2009. Good luck with it.

  4. If you plan on attending college in the Summer Semester of this school year - I'm talking May - August 2009, then you need to complete the current FAFSA form for the Summer Semester, and then, later, complete the 2009-2010 FAFSA (for next year), which will be available starting January 2009.

    Each academic year begins with the Fall Semester and ends at the completion of the Summer Semester, so the next summer semester will be part of this current academic year - therefore, you'll need to submit the current FAFSA.

    You have until June 30, 2009 to complete the current FAFSA, but you'll want to get that done as soon as possible, if you want to be considered for summer aid.

    By the way - the federal government's Pell Grants and Stafford Loan program will be available to you for summer semester, but many schools don't have much else to offer by way of summer financial aid. If you expect to need a lot of assistance for summer term, you may find that there won't be all that much to go around.

    And again - remember - the FAFSA that you'll complete for the summer term is not the same FAFSA that you'll need to submit for the next school year, which starts in August or September of 2009 - that FAFSA will be available in January.

    I hope that helped! Good luck!

  5. Are you going to summer of next year and then fall of next year as well?

    You wait until January 1st of 2009 to fill it out then. At that time there will be a form for you.

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