I'm not sure how to word my question, so I'll give an example. In some countries, it is considered very rude not to take off your shoes when entering a person's home. In the U.S., you only take off your shoes if you are asked to specifically (most people don't ask you to though)...it's not an automatic gesture. Is there anything that Italians might consider rude but Americans don't (or vice versa)? I just don't want to accidentally offend anyone...
Also, I heard it's considered impolite to turn down food in Italy? It's impolite here, too, if you're invited to someones home for dinner and you turn your nose up at the food...that's not what I mean. The general perception here is that Italians are big eaters (not meaning fat or anything like that...they just love food) and that second helpings and meal time or very large portions are expected. I'm a very light eater...will I offend anybody if I ask for a smaller portion (I figure that's better than not being able to finish the food on my plate) or saying no to second helpings?
Sorry if it sounds like I'm generalising...I don't mean to. I know not all Italians are the same, just as not all Americans are the same. But, there are some things that a large group of people can and do have in common...
Thank you for the help!