
I have a question about Monroe piercing?

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okay so i'm getting a monroe in a few days and I have been researching it a lot, but everywhere i read it says that they stick a long bar in your mouth until it swells up? I thought they just put a bar in there for a few minutes until they get the piercing then put the piercing ring in?

also im kinda nervous about the pain, my mom works at sutter north surgery center and suggested numbing creme. please dont say if you cant handle the pain dont get it, cuz im sure if you got one youd be nervous too, so if i did numbing creme does that actually work? and is it a good idea? thanks so much.




  1. They'll put a longer labret stud in that you need to keep in for 4-6 weeks before changing to allow for swelling and to make it easier to clean the surrounding skin on the outside. It's not that bad and I changed mine to a shorter and more attractive one about a month after I got it.

    I'm not going to tell you that it won't hurt. It will, but think of it as .02 seconds of pain that results in a beautiful piercing. I've never heard of using numbing cream for a piercing. I really wouldn't recommend it because you need the area as sterile as possible. Honestly, I really don't think you'll need it. It will most feel like a small pinch. Once the needle is through, the pain is over. Just relax, close your eyes, and ask the piercer not to count you down (so you don't tense up).

  2. They do put a long bar in because of the swelling and you need to leave it in for 6 weeks or so until it heals, and with the pain, it all depends on your pain threshold. They first put a clamp on then stick a needle through, take that out and put the jewelery in.

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