
I have a question about Sarah Palin?

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As I am reading some of the questions here on YA , it seems that most everyone is saying how pretty this lady is, and how she is beautiful and all that...I am wondering is Condalisa Rice was picked as VP for McCain, would people be saying the same thing?




  1. No. Sarah Palin is a beautiful, classy woman. Rice is not.  

  2. Maybe the ones that find her attractive.

    She may have been asked, but she has said that she has no interest in being President, so she could have declined the VP spot.

  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  To each their own.

  4. She's not as pretty so probably not.

  5. Well I can as the same about Hillary....

  6. She isn't a dog, but she's not runner up to Miss Alaska either.  

  7. No because she isn't as good looking. Not anything to do with race either I think there are a lot of pretty black women.

  8. Possibly, but here's the reason they talk about Palin. They have nothing else to talk about. Condalezza has been in Washington for how many years now?  Not too many people know who Sarah is, and that is what is nice about her being selected for the position. She's not "politics as usual" and she didn't get corrupted by the Washington D.C. old boys club. She is a breath of fresh air.

  9. have you ever heard anyone refer to condi as a hoti?  If she were, I believe the statement would have already been made.  Condi is a truly accomplished woman.  I wish we knew more about her.

  10. Condi isn't white enough for cons.

  11. I wish Rice would run!  think she is getting out of politics...beside the point.

    Rice no she really isnt that one said Hillary was.

  12. I would.  A little dental work and she's just as hot.  Forgive me but there is just something about watching those stilletto heels coming down the stairs off Air Force One upon returning from roughing up some pocket dictator that turns me on.

    I haven't seen nor heard from Colin Powell in quite a while.  I think she has him tied up in the basement and is using him for who knows what. *wink*

    Condi has that tough Eartha Kit charm and danger about her.

    She's been kickin' butt and taking names for longer than Palin. Besides, Palin is a little too milk toast for me.  Palin has etched her toughness in the tundra while Condi has been dragging world leaders around by the short and curlys.

    Take your pick.

  13. I think if Condi Rice was picked, they'd have more to talk about than just her looks and her family.

  14. Beauty is in the Eye of the beholder.

  15. I think Condoleezza Rice (may have spelled the first name wrong) is pretty in her own way... she's got fire, passion, and has a go-getter attitude, which is good. It makes her pretty. Not to mention she isn't ugly...

  16. Yes Condoleeza is attractive also.

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