
I have a question about Scoliosis and pregnancy?

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I have Scoliosis, I'm 17 years old. I'm not pregnant, I don't want to be pregnant anytime soon and I'm still a virgin.

So's not that type of question lol.

But I had surgery on my spine a couple of years ago, and I still have back pains and problems because my spine isn't completely straight, even surgery.

I was wondering if having scoliosis affects any aspect of conceiving or pregnancy or giving birth.

Would a women with Scoliosis be able to deal with pregnancy as any other woman would? Would she be able to give birth naturally.

I'm asking this because people with scoliosis have a curved spine and uneven hips...although it's not noticable in my case, I'm worried about the future., cause I would like to have children one day.

Once again. I am not pregnant and plan on staying that way for a very long tme. I'm not even sexually active to so...yea. just a question.




  1. Scolosis would in no way affect your chances of conceiving or carrying a baby to term or delivering the baby.

    The only impact it could possibly have is dependent on which vertebrae were operated on and if you decide to have an epidural for pain control during labor. The epidural line is place in the epidural space just through the spaces in your vertebra, if the area used for the epidural has been fused together during your surgery the anesthesia may have to be place a space higher or you may not be a candidate for a epidural at all.

  2. Scoliosis won't cause you to have trouble conceiving.

    Once you are pregnant, you may have more back aches than most people, but it's tolerable. Tylenol and hot showers worked for me. Pregnancy #1, I worked full time as a nurse until 1 mo. before delivering. Pregnancy #2, I worked full time chasing my younger baby around (just 14 mo. apart). Both pregnancies, my back never slowed me down.

    Thinking ahead to labor & delivery: Depending on how far you're fused you may not be able to have a spinal (spinal is better with scoliosis and fusion than epidural). At T12 it gets tricky, and lower than that, it may be impossible. When you get close to your due date get a referral to consult with the anesthesia group who covers where you'll be having the baby. Take a letter from you surgeon describing your fusion for your OB and anesthesiologist to have on file.

    I'm fused to T12 and didn't want anyone touching my spine. I did it naturally, and requested general if I had to have an emergency C-section. First labor, 3 hrs. No back labor, no problems pushing. Second labor, 1 hr. Had back labor (but so can a non-scoliosis mom), but no problem pushing.

    Good luck with your future!

  3. I think that as your pregnancy progesses, it may become very uncomfortable for you! I have a slight curve in back and it hurts me!

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