I have Scoliosis, I'm 17 years old. I'm not pregnant, I don't want to be pregnant anytime soon and I'm still a virgin.
So no...it's not that type of question lol.
But I had surgery on my spine a couple of years ago, and I still have back pains and problems because my spine isn't completely straight, even surgery.
I was wondering if having scoliosis affects any aspect of conceiving or pregnancy or giving birth.
Would a women with Scoliosis be able to deal with pregnancy as any other woman would? Would she be able to give birth naturally.
I'm asking this because people with scoliosis have a curved spine and uneven hips...although it's not noticable in my case, I'm worried about the future., cause I would like to have children one day.
Once again. I am not pregnant and plan on staying that way for a very long tme. I'm not even sexually active to so...yea. just a question.