
I have a question about VISION TEST for driver's license G1 in Ontario, Canada?

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Hi, I am new to Ontario and Canada, and in my home-country the rules of taking a VISION TEST for driver's license are very strict. So, I am worrying about this topic in Ontario where I am currently living .

I am wearing contact lenses because I am near-sighted. I wonder what the restrictions are for that VISION TEST . The point is I don't see small print very well even though I am using my contact lenses. The oficial web-site doesn't say anything about that and I can't reach a real person on the phone in one of the Examination Centres. I definetely don't want to pay $ 125 in vain for the G1 test and after not be able to write a knowledge test because of not good results of the VISION TEST.




  1. I wouldnt worry to much about it.  I have a very strong prescription for my glasses and contact lenses.  Like you, with my contacts I have a hard time reading very small print.  I had to take the vision test when I moved here and it wasnt any problem for me.

    Bottom line though, the vision test is there to protect you and everyone else that drives.  If anyone cant pass the vision test, they really shouldnt be driving.  (not a matter of "passing or not" but more of a safety issue at that point)  And as the other person said, be nice to the person at the licensing place.  They are there to do there job by the rules they are given...and are human like the rest of us.  :)  (welcome to Ontario btw)

  2. You should have no problem.If you fail the eye test there is no charge to retake it..Your eye test is based on your vision with corrective lenses.

  3. As far as I know, they will allow you to wear your contacts for the vision test, but you should bring a copy of your perscription because they will write a code on the liscense to note that if you're pulled over you have to be wearing those contacts/glasses to drive.

  4. They ask you to read some letters at different sizes, and then they ask you to look into (I don't know it's formal name but it's the same thing you see at the optomitrist's office) and they ask you to say which side (Left or right) that a light is blink to check ther pereipherel vision. It's not difficult, they don't try to trcik you or anything.

    PS, you get to do the knowledge test (40 multiple choice questions, 20 on signs and 20 on driving) BEFORE you do the vision test. The worst that could happen is that they would advise you to get a new prescription before they issue you a license. You get to do the test first, and IF YOU PASS then you can do the vision test and they take your information.

    Good luck, it's not very difficult, but read the manual!

  5. First be really nice to the girl

    The guy ahead of me gave her a hard time, and she told him to get some glasses and come back. I (who needs glasses) told me "try it without your glasses first" and I past

    I don't know, but I can't believe it's $125 for your first license.

    I know if you fail you can come back within 3 days and retake it for $10 (Thats an DZ license)

    The test was a bunch of "E"s and you had to say which way they are pointing

  6. the vision test is a simple formality - i took it wearing corrective lenses, and passed quite easily, all you have to do is read letters , it is just to ensure that the person can see the road they are driving on. however, if ur vision is as bad as u claim, even with lenses, then perhaps you shouldnt be driving at all!

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