
I have a question about an assignment I have for my art class, it has to do with global warming.. help!!?

by  |  earlier

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How might we best communitcate to children that protecting and healing the global enviroment is cool (important)?

How can I verbally and visually present this using a 3 part structure?




  1. Tell 'em to camp at this site for awhile and get the truth.

  2. Try posters, poster #1 how the world WAS. poster #2 how the world IS. poster #3  How the world WILL be (black earth etc.)

  3. this started out as an Environmental awareness lesson for middle school kids in Mexico,it grew a bit since then and it is now in English

    Maybe you can find some ideas there

    the strategy was to first shower them with disaster and bad news of what has happened and is happening

    ,them explain the importance of nature in relation to Humans

    and end with solutions

  4. Try telling the children the truth. AGW is not happening, and the globe goes through normal cycles.

  5. What about a cause/effect scenario?

    Cause:  Throwing trash out irresponsibly (side of road, water etc)

    Effect:  Wildlife caught in packaging or raccoons rummaging through trash.

    Cause:  Planting a tree

    Effect:  Visually depict the amount of CO2 one tree absorbs throughout it's life time.

    Effects of riding your bike to the store vs. effects of driving a car. Improved health, 0 carbon emission vs. congested roadways, high carbon emission, poor health GLOBALLY (fat people dead animals)

    Those are just off the top of my head, so they might be a bit cliche', but do a series of 3 w/ the same theme.  Also, people are more apt to respond to a strong "What's in it for me" message -- even children.

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