
I have a question about being married?

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I got married last year in augest. And it seems like ever since then my husband doesn't want to have s*x anymore. we "do it" once a month and i just can't handle it why do you think he is doing this?

And im not gross or anything




  1. 4 possible reasons:

    1. He's lost interest in s*x.

    2. He's getting s*x from some one else. <<best answer

    3. He maybe turning g*y.

    4. He doesnt like having s*x with you. (it doesnt turn him on enough)

  2. yeah no clue!! did u ask him? what did he say if u did ask?

  3. If I had to guess, he is under stress.  My brother did that to his Ex-Wife,  He told me - without a quest he was not interested.  I think also she was very agressive in bed and it turned him off.  The are no longer married and he dates girls all the time.  I had a friend that this happened and he was cheating.

  4. First question, were you both like 2 rabbits going at it before you got married.  Some guys just go thru a rut like that where they kind of get bored.  Not saying that you are boring, i don't know you, but it's like eating cheerios everyday for a year, gets a little old after awhile.  Maybe try spicing things up.  Find out what turns him on, like outfit wise.  Maybe order something, like a cop outfit and go to town on him.  A good website is  

    It's a shot, if that doesn't work, just ask.

  5. It's probably not that he doesn't want to have s*x.  It just might be because he knows he can whenever he wants so sometimes it's not as exciting.  If you're bothering him then they get a little turned off.

    Men love fun and excitement.  When it was like that you probably had s*x constantly.  

    This also has something to do with how your marriage is going.  Are you really close showing each other love, respect, trust, communication and always making each other happy?  If either one of you are selfish, that is not good because selfish people should be alone.

    You have to always compliment him and make him feel like he's doing great.  I'm not kidding.  That is so important.  Always stop whatever you are doing when he walks thru that door after work and run up to him kissing, hugging and grabbing, whispering things like I missed him and you look so hot. you might have to take care of me, etc.   Make sure you always look excellent and always make sure the house is clean.  Talk to him about everything, but never be a pain in the a ss.

    If you know how to make a man get turned on, not just in the bedroom then you will always have s*x.  If he loves you, he will love that!

    Good Luck

  6. Don't know.  I got married four years ago, and would have s*x every night if she'd agree.

  7. I don't know!! That is odd, have you asked him?  Do you think he is cheating on you?!?!

  8. Its called biology.  Thee is a part of the brain that is active in men when they are focused on something.  Once they get it then that part of their brain just about shuts down.  He got you and biologically is not that interested any more.  Its just they way it is and no one has come up with an answer yet.

  9. Are you my husband? Really. It will be one year for us this week and everything seems to have slowed down to just about nothing. And when something actually happends, its like "why bother". I just don't get it either. When I talk to him about it, he blames me, saying that I don't want to. It's not me, honest. I really don't know the answer. I wish I did, because, believe me, I would tell you. But, it is good to see that I'm not alone in it.

  10. Do you approach him for s*x?  If not try that.  Sometimes men change dramatically after marriage.  He might have been raised in a strict enviroment and that could cause him to see s*x in marriage as something other than how you see it.  Talk to him about it.  Communication can solve a lot of things if we would just do it.

  11. Try different things like; wearing something s**y around the house, light a candle with dinner and turn the lights off, when he is sleeping wake him up to a BJ  try some exciting things like; s*x in an elevator, playing strip poker, have s*x in the car while he’s driving give him a BJ see where that leads!  

    Me and mine made our son in the car just like that.  Ask him if he wants to try something new like different positions get that karma sutra book, or the joy of s*x very popular books that show s*x is a beautiful thing between two lovers.  

    Sometimes have s*x and sometimes make love they are two different things you know.  

    I feel your pain, but a guy normally won’t turn down s*x unless there’s something wrong.  Try talking to him, ask if there something the matter.  If you cant find the answer then you’ll need to get a nice vibrating d***o, no really get something nice for yourself this way you can feel satisfied, and Not start hitting up his friends and your neighbors for s*x that’s where it might lead over time.  

    You’ll get bitter mad then whamo you in bed with the neighbor just like that.  I know you don’t want that and if you ask your hubby I bet he wouldn’t want you doing that either.  

    Good luck to you, email me to let me know how it goes, I have more but not for this forum.


  12. That's definitely not normal.  He obviously has something that's bothering him in some way.  It might not be about you, but it's afffecting his entire life.  He could be very depressed or something. Do what you can to work with him and get to the root of the problem.

  13. how old you both are

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