
I have a question about being uncircumsized

by  |  earlier

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today i was able to pull my f******n down all the way past the head. after a month or two of exercises i was about to do it today.

now should i leave my f******n all the way down? i cant even put on my boxers because as soon as my head touches it, it's extremely sensitive.

i dont know what to do, any advice would help. should i leave my head covered or leave the f******n down?




  1. Keep it down after a day or two it won't feel as sensitive.

  2. do the sensible thing and go get circumcised!! Being uncircumcised is unclean and can cause other problems as you are now experiencing.

  3. Leave it forward with the head of your p***s covered, that is the natrual way to leave it. As you grow, m********e, the head will be less sensitive.

  4. Well you do have the option, Hood up or Hood down. So play it by ear, experiment. Get a friend to help. How does it feel if someone suck on it?

    Does it hurt? all inportant issues.

  5. O i remember when i was like that in the shower i would just mess wit it pullin it up nd down slowly now its like whatevers it goes down but leave it down yea the head is sensitive but yea after a while it wont B that sensitive..Hoped i helped email me...

  6. the f******n is there to protect the head of the p***s so thats why the head is so sensitive. if you are uncircunsized then you should let the f******n cover the head. its good to ge the head so that its not sensitive but if you want to leave the f******n down all the time it would be easier just to get circumsized.

  7. Dude your skin is there to protect the head of your unit and has been coverd for years so it will be sensitive when touching your boxers when having your skin pulled back. It is good that your skin is loose enough for you to pull it back that is what it should do so you can clean it as you should. keep it coverd to protect the head

    curtdud e

  8. Just pull the f******n back for a period of time every day.   It would be too uncomfortable to leave it retracted for extended periods, and the clothing rubbing on it would be unbearable.

    While you want to diminish the sensitivity somewhat, you don't want to completely lose it.    In general, the f******n covers the glans most of the time; it's why you have it.    But since you haven't been uncovered at all, it will be hypersensitive for awhile.

    Circumcision is not necessary or desirable, as it will just about destroy all of your sensitivity-- you will reach a point where you feel comfortable and you will be able to leave your glans properly covered most of the time, and won't have too much sensitivity.

    You're lucky to have your f******n, mine was amputated at birth and I suffered from the inability to reach o****m because of the nerve damage.   I'm restoring my f******n, which takes a lot of time, but it's well worth it.

    You have a natural, normal and complete p***s, and you'll get used to it soon.      

  9. Your f******n is supposed to fold down and cover your glans when your p***s is not erect.  It's staying retracted because it's still so tight that it's getting stuck behind your crown.  Of course your glans doesn't feel good against your boxers, it's supposed to be covered up unless you're having s*x (or cleaning it).  When you're having s*x your exposed glans should only be touching soft, slippery things.  If you leave your f******n retracted, your glans will dry out.

  10. Always leave your f******n over your head, unless you are washing it or peeing, or having s*x or masturbating. But dont ever leave it behind the head of your p***s on a regular basis, thats a bad idea.


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