
I have a question about breastfeeding.?

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Before I started breastfeeding my breast were a 36 C and after I started breastfeeding my b*****s are now a DD. I just wanted to know, after I am done breastfeeding are my b*****s going to go back down to the original size that they were which was a 36 C.




  1. Can not say for sure. Although if you have just started to nurse then your breast will decrease some in size once your milk starts to regulate in about 6 weeks.

  2. well i've never had a baby but i used to intern in the mother baby unit of a hospital for a semester and i had to help mothers with breast feeding issues all the time. after you are done, your b*****s will still be swollen. you need to slowly ween your baby but yes your b*****s will eventually shrink a bit. maybe not to your original size but they will go down. once you decide to stop nursing, wear tight bras so your b*****s won;t be moving around to much. dont wear a shirt without a bra, the moving of the shirt will stimulate your b*****s to produce more milk. same goes for facing the showerhead (with beating water on your b*****s). after a few weeks, swelling will go down.

    good luck new mommy!

  3. They might, depending on how long you breastfeed, what type of support you offer your b*****s. But yes essentially they will go back to original size, you might gain a cup size, or lose a little. It's really all in the genetics you were born with. Just remember to take care of them, wear a good bra, keep them even(feed from both sides). And rub a little lanolin on them at night after you bathe to keep the skin soft. Dont use lotion it will make the baby sick if it gets in their mouth.If you can't find pure lanolin, ask your doctor or pharmacy. Good Luck on the breastfeeding! I feel more women should use this as the only way to feed and bond with their child. Good For You!  

  4. yes they should come back to their original size.

  5. After pregnancy, whether you breastfeed or not, your b***s are never the same.  

  6. i was the exact same size and after 11 mths of feeding i am back to normal again

  7. They will go down, but not back to your original size

  8. Hi Honey

    Former 36C here- went to D when nursing, now a B.

    Yeah you will lose those DDs and then some.

  9. They probably won't go back to normal but they will reduce in size a little.  I noticed that my b*****s stayed a bit bigger than my pre pregnancy b*****s after I stop breastfeeding.  It will take a while for all of the milk to empty out, so you might still feel fuller.  Make sure you wear a really supportive bra! That will keep things higher than your belly button.  :) Good Luck and if you decide to get pregnant again, chances are your b*****s will grow bigger than ever and really fast too. It's kind of nice.

  10. They will most likely to get smaller than that.  

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