
I have a question about buying a car again, I will explain this one a little better. Please help.?

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I am looking at getting a newer model Chevy Trailblazer, main thing I am looking for is it coming with leather seats and the whole interior to be black. I say newer model, meaning 2007 or 2008. I make 400 to 500 a week, my goal for this car would be to get rims on it, paint it, and put in system, with all that said, could I afford it? I do not pay rent, only things I pay for are gas and my car, food of course but I eat at home a lot. The aftermarket parts are going to run me about six or seven thousand over time. Can I afford this? If you have any questions, feel free to email me because I would like to know all the details of how I should go about doing this. is my email.




  1. Why would you get a suv? gas prices will kill you. Get a fuel efficient car. Get something that will at least give you 30 miles to a gallon

  2. can't afford it................

  3. Go to yahoo auto compare chevy trailblazer.

  4. I would re-examine your spending priorities.

  5. The real issue is the cash available to put down on it.  The bigger the down payment you can make, the lower the monthly payments will be.  A bigger down can also mean a better financing rate which means even more monthly savings.

    This larger down payment may also make the difference on whether you can even GET financing.  $500 a week is NOT a lot of money, and you will have diffculty finding a bank that will be willing to carry this loan.  The less they will have to carry you, the more they will be willing to risk to finance the car.

    Even with the financing taken care of, there is still the issue of the aftermarket equipment you want.  How is this going to bet paid for.  A credit card is one way, but, typical credit card rates are VERY high.  Six or seven thousand dollars on a card may end up costing you twenty thousand, over time.  The only way to avoid THIS markup would be to pay off the card charges at a faster rate, which means, more out of your weekly checks.

    Cash is a much more preferable way to go on these purchases.

    So, in short, if you don't have a lot of cash for the down payment, and the after market purchases, I don't think you can afford this car.

    You mentioned a 2008 model?  The basic payment, alone could be more than your total paycheck.

  6. yeah you should be fine, dont stress. You could easily afford one. Get one before the GM sale goes off july 31st

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