
I have a question about carry-on items for international flights.?

by Guest21471  |  earlier

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I am flying out of Chicago next week, taking a direct flight to Seoul. I was wondering if I am able to carry-on items like granola bars, peanuts, protein bars, etc. I would like not to have to buy food after going through security because it is usuually garbage and very expensive. Does anyone have any insight into this? Im not sure if the 3 oz. rule applies to food.




  1. Yes, you can bring all these items in your carry-on.  The 3 oz rule applies to liquids; shampoo, lotion, etc.  I bring snacks on all the  time.  I have never had any problems... as long as it is not water, liquid beverages, (baby milk or formula must be shown to the TSA agent at Security checkpoint. )

  2. That's a good question.  I have snuck food many times in carry-ons.  And I know the X-rays search for liquids.  If it is fruits and vegetables, you can't bring them on the flight.  But if they are dried snacks, then I think it is ok.  Especially if it is still sealed within the packaging.  

    To be safe, you can call the airline and ask them.  Don't risk throwing away perfectly good snacks.

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