
I have a question about cunning of the six samurai and solemn judgement?

by  |  earlier

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say my opponent has a swords or revealing light and one face down card 2oo points left and i have a zanji on the feild kamon in my hand and cunning in my hand as well and i summon kamon to destroy swords but my opponent activates solemn judgement can i cunning my kamon to get another kamon and still get my effect?




  1. You cannot chain Cunning to Solemn because Solemn is a counter trap cards with a spell speed of 3. Cunning only has a spell speed of 2.

  2. No. Two reasons:

    1. Solemn Judgement is spell speed 3, Cunning is spell speed 2, thus cunning can not be chained to Solemn Judgement.

    2. Even if you could chain Cunning, Solemn negates the summon itself, meaning Kamon never actually hits the field.

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