
I have a question about eyes.

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i am a 19 year old girl and wear glasses. i have myopia and my power is -7. i am tired of wearing glasses and contacts dont suite my eyes. so i was thinking of a laser surgery where the power is reduced. but i am scared as i dont know the consequences. is it absolutely safe? has anyone of you done it? some people say the power will increase after a few years. is this true? should i do it or not...please help me!

and please dont give rude remarks.




  1. I comanage refractive surgery and have had it done myself, ten years ago.  I haven't changed at all in that amount of time, but it is possible to change.  I would wait until age 22 or 23 to have it done to make sure your eyes are through changing.  You must have stable vision for at least a year to be a candidate.  It is extremely safe as far as surgeries go.  No procedure is absolutely risk free.  You must do your homework and find a good, reputable surgeon.  You don't want to go to one who will do it just because you have money in your hand.  It's not a time for bargain hunting.  It is one of the best things I have ever done for myself, but I can't stress enough to make sure you are a good candidate.  Get more than one opinion.  You are much better off doing so and are less likely to have poor results....

  2. yes go ahead it really helps

  3. Hi Sweetie. Yes, a lot of people have done it with great success. But, some had had side effects that linger and are unpleasant. Not everyone is a good candidate. It does not stop the natural progression of eye changes that most peole go through naturally. Please go to and see the information that he has on his web site. He is one of the best lasik surgeon's in the US and does most of the FDA trials. He is the "Extreme makeover" lasik doctor from TV. I do not work for him, just so you know. There are referals for all over  for good doctors in almost every area of the US. His best selling book on the subject is available to read free of charge online and answers most questions that you have asked and then some.

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