
I have a question about football (not soccer).

by  |  earlier

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what is the proper way to block.also what are some good ways to get past a defender to make the sack?




  1. some tips to properly block: feet spread apart shoulder width for a wider base for better balance. when pass blocking keep your head and shoulders back. when running blocking grab the side of their pads right by their armpits and put your facemask into their pads and drive with your feet, keep your feet pumping.

    to make a sack: get the fat boy blocking you go one way, then make a quick swim or rip move to go the other way. the bull rush is over rated

  2. I think the swim move is the easiet to get past a blocker in order to get the sack, most  coaches will teach that you get a hand or keep your hands inside the shoulder long as you don't get caught you can grab the jersey near the front of the pads...

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