
I have a question about heroin?

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my boyfriend is currently in court for his first felony charge.

he was found with .2 grams of heroin on him. does anyone know what could potentially happen to him? .. is he in danger of going to jail

i got him out on a 300.00 bond the first night.




  1. I'm sure it depends what state you're in but a felony conviction means he can't vote and will be turned down for any decent job.  Get him to rehab and go yourself if you are hooked also. There is nothing good about heroin.

  2. The judge may recommend rehab and community service.

  3. ok honey lets get a couple of things real clear first...if he "was" a user then he is and addict...once an addict forever and addict its just a matter of not using anymore...same with all drugs and alcohol and yes nicatine...and im sorry to say heroin is the single most addictive drug in the world today followed closely by crack cocaine..these are opiates and any opiate is extreemly addicting now he may tell you he was down there "for a friend" he was there for himself thats the way heroin my best advice is get away from him now!!! im sorry but he will never quit as long as somebody is there to bail him out when he gets in trouble you are wasting your time and money bailing him out especially if he continues to "hang:" with other addicts while he is trying to stay clean...the only reason a "clean" addict hangs with others is to get dirty again i have seen this soo many times its not funny so here is what is going to happen in my oppinion...first with a history of use and im just guessing trouble with the law and the fact his bail was 300 hundered thousand dollars to wich you paid a 10 percent bond he is being charged with a class a felony..not good he will go to jail behind this one especially with a past let him go he needs it maybee in prison they will send him through rehab ...lets hope so...second again i say get away if you stay with him your chances of living a happy healthy long life are very slim he has zero chance to have a good job or carrer wich means you will have to support your family god forbid you have children...then your looking at welfare and or a minamum wage job for him while trying to raise kids....not a good your self a favor and yes its going to be hard...get away if you want a chance at staying....when he gets out of prison get him to rehab and make sure he stays clean then make sure he stays away from other addicts..they will drag him back again and eventually he will die..herion kills if not by overdose then slowly it eats away at your body from the insid out i know one lady who is an addict she is 42 years old  wich in and of itself is a miracle at this point in life she ahs deteriorated so badly she is wheelchair bound cant walk can barely eat and has to have 24-7 assistance just to stay alive if you ever saw her yo uwould think she is at least 70-80 years old..she is only 42!!! heroine did this eaten alive from the inside she only used for 5 years!!! and this is the result she has been in this condition for 10 years now and is getting prgressivly worse see one it has started it continues until you die this lady will not live to see 50 years old we all know this and its sad and she is one of the lucky ones becouse she did'nt o.d. and die years ago....herion kills hon get away now!!!! im sorry very sorry to be so harsh and long winded bu tis worth it if it gets you away from this death trap...good luck and god bless

  4. He could really do some time but if it's his first charge depending on where you he live could just pay a huge fine and court cost .But do you really want a bf that does heavy narcotics like that?If you get caught with him you could go to jail as well!

  5. Felony conviction means any shot at a decent life is effectively over. No decent jobs, no travel visas, no government work higher than street sweeping, massive punishments if he's arrested for anything else.

    If you're a user yourself get into rehab now before you're nicked also. If you're not a user get the heck away from the looser before you get roped in.

  6. They'll probably give him the option of rehab. or jailtime.

  7. they'll make him get treatment (as a condition of probation) & periodically p**s-test

  8. get a new boyfriend. really,he could be away for awhile.

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