
I have a question about medical schools?

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I'm in 9th grade, and I want to go to med school for my future studies. What are some good med schools in California??





  1. Concentrate on getting very good grades.  Where you go to medical school, if you're grades are high enough, then worry about what medical school you go to.

  2. think about college first

  3. Hey, I'm in 10th. grade!  haha lol

    I want to go to Med. school too! =]]

    Do you know the process of becoming a MD?

    First, you have to get your undergraduate degree in science!  Then you much do very well on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)...

    High scores on the MCAT will definately get you into a good Med. school.

    Good Medical Schools:

    HMS: Harvard Medical School

    JH: Johns Hopkins

    Those are my top two...sorry they're not in CA

    Email me if you have more questions! =]]

  4. UCLA schools at LA; Claremont; Berkeley; San Jose; Stanford Univ.

    As the previous answerer mentioned ...keep focused on the present..then the future will arrive!

    Good luck

  5. Just to add:  you do NOT have to get your undergraduate degree in a science-related study, you may major in ANY subject that interests you, as long as you take the required courses for med schools (general chemistry 1&2, general biology 1&2, general physics 1&2, organic chemistry 1&2)

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