
I have a question about my 2 year old son.?

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He does not chew foods. He will only eat foods that are pureed. I tried to teach him how to chew and to show him and he just will not do it. Is this a serious problem?




  1. nope some kids just aren't ready for it yet at 2 I know my newphew started eating solids around that but my friends kid is like 3 and is just now starting to eat solids

  2. Odd... I don't remember ever meeting a kid that wouldn't chew. Or one that had to be taught to eat! Every kid I've known tries to eat anything they're holding. Toys, foot, animals...

    I can't imagine it's unhealthy, but it is very very strange.

  3. I don't think that's a problem. My little brother when he was younger, my Mom and I would try to tell him to swallow b/c he'd chew for hours, haha. And he thought swallow meant chew. Well, chewing is instinctive so he'll understand eventually. Try maybe giving him something small but something he needs to chew but wouldn't die if he swallowed on accident such as a small peice of macoroni or a small peice of corn. If he doesn't learn in the next 2-3 months I'd take him to his pediatrician though. :)

  4. I really don't know anything about this but I really don't think it is a serious problem I just think your overeacting a little

  5. Give him some of his favourite food and tell him he can have it only if he chews it.

    Good luck.

  6. no i don't like chewing either, i chew as least amt. of times as possible, lazy.

  7. He might be going through some body changes, also i think you need to update this and tell us how long he has been doing this. If he just started doing this he could be sick, but if hes been doing it for 2weeks+ i'd take him to the doctor, because if hes been doing this for a while then you need to take him to a doctor imedeitly because this could be life threatning.

  8. I would talk to his Dr. try making eating fun, like pancakes with smiley faces and stuff like that. My son was eating everything at 1. Maybe its lazy-ness.. Ask the Doc.

  9. no, you should give him another year to learn. he is just fine

  10. try giving him french fries or take him to baskin robbins to get ice cream but if he's not eating you may wanna look into that

  11. no its fine some childrens dont like doing wat we want to teach them but the will learn by themselves but if it stills continues when he is 3 and half then it might be serious.

  12. No he's still little, start out giving him a little bit more chewy foods and gradually go up to hard foods that have to be chewed:)

    He will be fine:)

  13. this is really common so dont worry.

    its normally due to the texture of the food, firstly i would say to try and simply get him to hold and feel the foods, getting use to what they loook and feel like. then encourage him to put some in his mouth even if he wont swallow, and progress from there. if he doesnt deem to be progressing i would  talk to a GP and health visitor as they will have further knowledge on this! my little sister was the same at that age and so was my friends little boy, they both got through it easily, it should just be a phase to overcome

    good luck!

  14. It's a serious problem that you have allowed him to get away with this!  He should have been on solid foods since before one, I've never heard of someone having to teach their kid how to chew, it should have come naturally! You babying him and still giving him baby food is what's the problem!  Give the kid food and let him eat, if he won't let him go hungry.  Try again next meal, eventually when he gets hungry enough he will eat what you put in front of him and he will HAVE TO CHEW IT!  He isn't going to starve by missing a meal or two!  Stop babying your kid so much and let them grow into the INDEPENDENT person he's supposed to be!

  15. No he might not be ready for solid foods yet

  16. Maybe hes not ready?

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