
I have a question about my 22 month old son.?

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My son fell on his face and scratched his nose very bad. His whole nose got sctratched up. This happened 6 days ago. Now there is a big scab and he keeps picking at the scab. I tell him do not touch the scab but he does not listen which is typical for a toddler. I am worried that if he takes of the whole scab that it is going to scar on his face for life. Can that happen...scar on his face for life?




  1. Yes, he can scar from picking the scab.  But chances are he won't, my youngest son had a scab on his forehead that he wouldn't leave alone.  I feared the same thing, but I just kept putting neosporin on it and it eventually went away...scar free thankfully.  Just try to stop him whenever you can, but I know, it's hard.  I hope this helps!

  2. Unfortunately yes.  Keep Neosporin on it to keep it from getting dry and itchy.  And put a bandaid on it when he's not out in public (I know, looks funny).  Show it to him in the mirror and tell him that it's yucky and he shouldn't touch it.

  3. It can leave a scar, but I think most eventually go away, but not for many years.  I would try putting mederma or neosporan (major spelling errors, sorry) on it to help prevent it from scarring, and do continue to tell him not to pick at it.  Lots of kids pick at their scabs, and when they are big, deep, or on the face, they have a better chance of scarring.

  4. If you keep the skin moist it wont scar nearly as bad.  Do this by keeping neosporin or vaseline, some type of jelly lubricant, on his nose.  It will soften the scab also so he wont be able to pick and snatch the whole scab off.

    My son got hit in the head with a shovel by another child at 4 years old. (dont ask its a LONG story) and he had to have 6 stitches in his forehead.  

    The dr. in the ER told me to keep something jelly based over it to prevent scaring.

    Hope that helps

  5. Yes it can happen, but it's not very likely, since he still has growing to do, if it scars, it won't be obvious by the time he's grown up.  If this happens there's medecines that you can put on scars  to make them disappear.  

    Hope I helped!


  6. How about putting a band-aid on it. I know it'll look dorky but it might help him from picking at it and give it a chance to heal in a couple of days.

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