
I have a question about my 8 month old son.?

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Everytime I put him down for bed he cries so much like 30 minutes. I feel so bad... do you think I am doing the right thing?




  1. My opinion is yes u are doing the right thing. At one point or another they will go through that. I have 3 children and once they were passed 4 months old, they sleep in their own rooms. Give it time. It will pay off in the end!

  2. I think you are doing the right thing, but what you might do to help is try switching up his bedtime routine.

    For instance, I get my daughter (soon to be 8 months) good and relaxed before laying her down in her crib.  Every night no matter what about 30 minutes before I want her to go to sleep, we go into her room, dim the lights, grab a cuddly toy and playfully yet calmly change to pajamas then have some very calm play and/or I read to her.  Then we have a good night bottle and I put her in her crib w/ a favorite stuffed animal.  

    It works really well for us and she is good and sleepy when she is laid in the crib.  I am also really consistent about doign this at the same time each night.  I think I have set her body clock to start to get sleepy around 8:30pm b/c she generally starts yawning around then.  We have been doing this for a few months now.  Before that we did something similar but modified for a newborn (ie. no stuffed animal in the crib and a different type of play).

    Good luck.

  3. It is up to you but babies do need to self soothe but remember mother's always know best!  Have you tried putting a mobile on, we have a battery operated mobile that runs for about 20 minutes that works great!

  4. If you feel bad maybe you should rethink it. Can you go and check on him every 5 minutes and just pat his back and say its OK? Or just stay in the room reading or singing so he knows you are there? That might make him and you feel better, he still knows you are there for him, but its still bedtime.  

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