
I have a question about my cartilage piercing?

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So i got my cartilage pierced a week ago and i really need to take it out for soccer, will my cartilage close if i take it out? it will only be out for an hour when i finish ill put it right back in




  1. You shouldn't remove  a new cartilage piercing for 2-3 months.  Even if it's only for an hour, it can close and also raise the risk of infection.  Chances are if this is something you're going to do, especially more than once, you may lose the piercing.

  2. no, its just a few hours for practice i had to do the same thing

  3. To be perfectly honest, my friend did mine, and I changed it after a few days, I left it out for about an hour when I had to do something after a couple of weeks. Although it's probably not advisable, if it's really necessary I'm sure it'll be fine, it may hurt a bit when it's going back in though.

  4. be careful about leaving it out. it should be fine for an hour but it WILL hurt when you put your earring back in!

  5. You can, but it's not necessarily hygienic.

    Just take it out, and before you put i back in, disinfect your ear with antiseptic, and boil the earing in water. This will get rid of any germs on it.

    I still wouldn't recommend it, but it's your body.

  6. believe it or not it is possible that it my start to close,if you only leave it out for an our though you should be able to put it back in it make take putting alittle pressure on it  because sometimes the back may start to heal itself so you might have to push it through.  

  7. yes it will close up.

    just get the smallest stud you can find, and the coach probably wont notice it.

    I have 4cartliage piercings.

    and I had to do that

  8. it wont close but you should keep it in and put a plaster over it as it will get infected

  9. ahh, i had to deal with the same issue. i used to ask some of the referees if i could tape over it, some would let me, some not. although it's not recommended to take it out, sometimes you have to. it may be a bit difficult to put back in since the hole is so new but you can do it. just make sure to sanitize the earring before you put it back in.  

  10. ehhhh.  a week doesn't sound too promising-- I have problems when my take my piercings out for even an hour, and I've had them pierced for years.

    Put a band-aid over it?  

  11. it might close up if your not careful. When you play soccer just put some tape over it and it should stop it getting ripped out or infected. I have my eyebrow pierced and i always got a small piece of tape and just placed it over the piercing. My face isnt really touched very often in soccer so it was mostly for infection.  

  12. Taking the earrings out for an hour will not close the hole.

    Just remember to put the earring in as soon as possible

    as you are interrupting the healing stage,, and need to

    keep the earring in as much as possible until fully healed.

  13. I don't think it will close completely when you take it out for an hour, but I know the chances of it getting infected are a lot higher. Also, when you go to put it back in, it will be very painful, since the piercing is still very new and the area is pretty raw.  

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